2023 List of Eligible Classic AIJ Papers
Please note that this list cannot be completed with all the papers from 1970-1990 as well. You will find the articles from 1970-1990 online here:
The eligible Classic AIJ Papers are those in volumes 1-171 (1970 – 2007)
Volume 41, Issue 3, Pages 257-386 (January 1990)
Functional transformations in AI discovery systems
Pages 257-272
Wei-Min Shen
Enhancement schemes for constraint processing: Backjumping, learning, and cutset decomposition
Pages 273-312
Rina Dechter
Automatic qualitative analysis of dynamic systems using piecewise linear approximations
Pages 313-364
Elisha Sacks
The logic of nonmonotonicity
Pages 365-374
John Bell
Volume 42, Issue 1, Pages 1-157 (February 1990)
Artificial intelligence and learning environments: Preface
Pages 1-6
William J. Clancey, Elliot Soloway
Cognitive modeling and intelligent tutoring
Pages 7-49
John R. Anderson, C.Franklin Boyle, Albert T. Corbett, Matthew W. Lewis
Understanding and debugging novice programs
Pages 51-97
W.Lewis Johnson
Causal model progressions as a foundation for intelligent learning environments
Pages 99-157
Barbara Y. White, John R. Frederiksen
Volume 42, Issues 2–3, Pages 159-416 (March 1990)
A critical examination of Allen’s theory of action and time
Pages 159-188
Antony Galton
Real-time heuristic search
Pages 189-211
Richard E. Korf
Intention is choice with commitment
Pages 213-261
Philip R. Cohen, Hector J. Levesque
All I know: A study in autoepistemic logic
Pages 263-309
Hector J. Levesque
A skeptical theory of inheritance in nonmonotonic semantic networks
Pages 311-348
John F. Horty, Richmond H. Thomason, David S. Touretzky
A dynamic systems perspective on qualitative simulation
Pages 349-362
Elisha Sacks
Quantitative results concerning the utility of explanation-based learning
Pages 363-391
Steven Minton
The computational complexity of probabilistic inference using bayesian belief networks
Pages 393-405
Gregory F. Cooper
Volume 43, Issue 1, Pages 1-126 (April 1990)
Measuring the performance potential of chess programs
Pages 7-20
Hans J. Berliner, Gordon Goetsch, Murray S. Campbell, Carl Ebeling
The development of a world class Othello program
Pages 21-36
Kai-Fu Lee, Sanjoy Mahajan
Reasoning with uncertainty in computer chess
Pages 37-56
Helmut Horacek
An incremental negamax algorithm
Pages 57-65
Ingo Althöfer
Conspiracy numbers
Pages 67-84
Jonathan Schaeffer
A generalised quiescence search algorithm
Pages 85-98
Don F. Beal
Singular extensions: Adding selectivity to brute-force searching
Pages 99-109
Thomas Anantharaman, Murray S. Campbell, Feng-hsiung Hsu
Perfect knowledge revisited
Pages 111-123
S.T. Dekker, H.J. van den Herik, I.S. Herschberg
Volume 43, Issue 2, Pages 127-270 (May 1990)
Dynamic backward reasoning systems
Pages 127-152
Antoni Ligeza
Pragmatics and natural language generation
Pages 153-197
Eduard H. Hovy
Shape from fractal geometry
Pages 199-218
Susan S. Chen, James M. Keller, Richard M. Crownover
A rational reconstruction of nonmonotonic truth maintenance systems
Pages 219-234
Charles Elkan
Terminological reasoning is inherently intractable
Pages 235-249
Bernhard Nebel
Volume 43, Issue 3, Pages 271-392 (June 1990)
Estimation of surface topography from SAR imagery using shape from shading techniques
Pages 271-310
Robert T. Frankot, Rama Chellappa
Pages 311-368
Daniel S. Weld
Volume 44, Issue 1-2, Pages 1-56 (July 1990)
The geometry of view space of opaque objects bounded by smooth surfaces
Pages 1-40
J.H. Rieger
Representing stereo data with the Delaunay triangulation
Pages 41-87
O.D. Faugeras, E.Le Bras-Mehlman, J.D. Boissonnat
Qualitative kinematics in mechanisms
Pages 89-119
Boi Faltings
The combinatorics of object recognition in cluttered environments using constrained search
Pages 121-165
W.Eric L. Grimson
Nonmonotonic reasoning, preferential models and cumulative logics
Pages 167-207
Sarit Kraus, Daniel Lehmann, Menachem Magidor
Learning problem solving strategies using refinement and macro generation
Pages 209-243
H.Altay Güvenir, George W. Ernst
Dempster’s rule of combination is #P-complete
Pages 245-253
Pekka Orponen
Volume 44, Issue 3, Pages 257-400 (August 1990)
Fundamental concepts of qualitative probabilistic networks
Pages 257-303
Michael P. Wellman
Qualitative navigation for mobile robots
Pages 305-360
Tod S. Levitt, Daryl T. Lawton
A note on “creativity and learning in a case-based explainer”
Pages 373-375
Dedre Gentner, Kenneth Forbus
Volume 45, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-274 (September 1990)
Learning in mathematically-based domains: Understanding and generalizing obstacle cancellations
Pages 1-45
Jude W. Shavlik, Gerald F. DeJong
Maximizing the predictive value of production rules
Pages 47-71
Sholom M. Weiss, Robert S. Galen, Prasad V. Tadepalli
Qualitative physics using dimensional analysis
Pages 73-111
R. Bhaskar, Anil Nigam
Automated program recognition: A feasibility demonstration
Pages 113-171
Linda Mary Wills
Explaining and repairing plans that fail
Pages 173-228
Kristian J. Hammond
Concept learning and heuristic classification in weak-theory domains
Pages 229-263
Bruce W. Porter, Ray Bareiss, Robert C. Holte
Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 275-412 (October 1990)
On the parallel complexity of discrete relaxation in constraint satisfaction networks
Pages 275-286
Simon Kasif
Model-preference default theories
Pages 287-322
Bart Selman, Henry A. Kautz
Shape from texture: Estimation, isotropy and moments
Pages 323-380
Andrew Blake, Constantinos Marinos
Using crude probability estimates to guide diagnosis
Pages 381-391
Johan de Kleer
Attributive concept descriptions with complements
Volume 46, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-257 (November 1990)
BoltzCONS: Dynamic symbol structures in a connectionist network
Pages 5-46
David S. Touretzky
Mapping part-whole hierarchies into connectionist networks
Pages 47-75
Geoffrey E. Hinton
Recursive distributed representations
Pages 77-105
Jordan B. Pollack
Mundane reasoning by settling on a plausible model
Pages 107-157
Mark Derthick
Tensor product variable binding and the representation of symbolic structures in connectionist systems
Pages 159-216
Paul Smolensky
Learning and applying contextual constraints in sentence comprehension
Pages 217-257
Mark F. St. John, James L. McClelland
Volume 46, Issue 3, Pages 259-398 (December 1990)
Analog retrieval by constraint satisfaction
Pages 259-310
Paul Thagard, Keith J. Holyoak, Greg Nelson, David Gochfeld
An analysis of first-order logics of probability
Pages 311-350
Joseph Y. Halpern
Gibbs sampling in Bayesian networks
Pages 351-363
Tomas Hrycej
Frames in the space of situations
Pages 365-376
Vladimir Lifschitz
Volume 47, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-346 (January 1991)
Foundations of AI: The big issues
Pages 3-30
David Kirsh
Logic and artificial intelligence
Pages 31-56
Nils J. Nilsson
Rigor mortis: A response to Nilsson’s “Logic and artificial intelligence”
Pages 57-77
Lawrence Birnbaum
Open Information Systems Semantics for distributed artificial intelligence
Pages 79-106
Carl Hewitt
Social conceptions of knowledge and action: DAI foundations and open systems semantics
Pages 107-138
Les Gasser
Intelligence without representation
Pages 139-159
Rodney A. Brooks
Today the earwig, tomorrow man?
Pages 161-184
David Kirsh
On the thresholds of knowledge
Pages 185-250
Douglas B. Lenat, Edward A. Feigenbaum
The owl and the electric encyclopedia
Pages 251-288
Brian Cantwell Smith
A preliminary analysis of the Soar architecture as a basis for general intelligence
Pages 289-325
Paul S. Rosenbloom, John E. Laird, Allen Newell, Robert McCarl
Approaches to the study of intelligence
Pages 327-346
Donald A. Norman
Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 1-142 (February 1991)
Pages 1-26
Manfred Schmidt-Schauß, Gert Smolka
Automatic analysis of one-parameter planar ordinary differential equations by intelligent numeric simulation
Pages 27-56
Elisha P. Sacks
Animate vision
Pages 57-86
Dana H. Ballard
Connectionist hashed associative memory
Pages 87-98
Ronald L. Greene
Multi-player alpha-beta pruning
Pages 99-111
Richard E. Korf
Probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems: Networks of plausible inference: Judea Pearl
Pages 117-124
Stig Kjær Andersen
Intelligent tutoring systems: Lessons learned: J. Psotka, L.D. Massey and S.A. Mutter, eds.
Pages 125-134
W.Lewis Johnson
Volume 48, Issue 2, Pages 143-259 (March 1991)
Constraint relaxation may be perfect
Pages 143-170
Ugo Montanari, Francesca Rossi
On the justification of Dempster’s rule of combination
Pages 171-197
Frans Voorbraak
Floating conclusions and zombie paths: Two deep difficulties in the “directly skeptical” approach to defeasible inheritance nets
Pages 199-209
David Makinson, Karl Schlechta
Extended causal theories
Pages 211-224
John Bell
Notes on “a clash of intuitions”
Pages 225-240
Eric Neufeld
Volume 48, Issue 3, Pages 261-402 (April 1991)
Two theses of knowledge representation: Language restrictions, taxonomic classification, and the utility of representation services
Pages 261-297
Jon Doyle, Ramesh S. Patil
Fusion and propagation with multiple observations in belief networks
Pages 299-318
Mark A. Peot, Ross D. Shachter
Four reviews of The Society of Mind and a response
Pages 319-320
Mark J. Stefik, Stephen Smoliar
A society of ideas on cognition: Review of Marvin Minsky’s The Society of MindReview Article
Pages 321-334
Michael G. Dyer
The society of mind: Marvin MinskyReview Article
Pages 335-339
Matthew Ginsberg
The society of mind: Marvin MinskyReview Article
Pages 341-348
George N. Reeke Jr
The society of mind: Marvin MinskyReview Article
Pages 349-370
Stephen W. Smoliar
Society of mind: A response to four reviews
Pages 371-396
Marvin Minsky
Volume 49, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-398 (May 1991)
Nonmonotonic reasoning in the framework of situation calculus
Pages 5-23
Andrew B. Baker
The computational complexity of abduction
Pages 25-60
Tom Bylander, Dean Allemang, Michael C. Tanner, John R. Josephson
Temporal constraint networks
Pages 61-95
Rina Dechter, Itay Meiri, Judea Pearl
Impediments to universal preference-based default theories
Pages 97-128
Jon Doyle, Michael P. Wellman
Embedding decision-analytic control in a learning architecture
Pages 129-159
Oren Etzioni
The substitutional framework for sorted deduction: Fundamental results on hybrid reasoning
Pages 161-198
Alan M. Frisch
Existence assumptions in knowledge representation
Pages 199-242
Graeme Hirst
Hard problems for simple default logics
Pages 243-279
Henry A. Kautz, Bart Selman
The effect of knowledge on belief: Conditioning, specificity and the lottery paradox in default reasoning
Pages 281-307
David Poole
Three-valued nonmonotonic formalisms and semantics of logic programs
Pages 309-343
Teodor Przymusinski
On the applicability of nonmonotonic logic to formal reasoning in continuous time
Pages 345-360
Manny Rayner
Principles of metareasoning
Pages 361-395
Stuart Russell, Eric Wefald
Volume 50, Issue 1, Pages 1-140 (June 1991)
Learning structures of visual patterns from single instances
Pages 1-36
Yoshinori Suganuma
Incremental interpretation
Pages 37-82
Fernando C.N. Pereira, Martha E. Pollack
Initialization for the method of conditioning in Bayesian belief networks
Pages 83-94
H.Jacques Suermondt, Gregory F. Cooper
Finding optimal derivation strategies in redundant knowledge bases
Pages 95-115
Russell Greiner
Learning search control knowledge: An explanation-based approach: Steve Minton
Pages 117-127
Gerald F. DeJong, Jonathan Gratch
Letters to the editor
Page 129
Daniel G. Bobrow
Compulsory reduction in linear derivation systems
Pages 131-132
Geoff Sutcliffe
Volume 50, Issue 2, Pages 141-288 (July 1991)
Reduction rules for resolution-based systems
Pages 141-181
Norbert Eisinger, Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, Axel Präcklein
Cumulative default logic: In defense of nonmonotonic inference rules
Pages 183-205
Gerhard Brewka
Reducing reexpansions in iterative-deepening search by controlling cutoff bounds
Pages 207-221
U.K. Sarkar, P.P. Chakrabarti, S. Ghose, S.C. De Sarkar
Epistemic entrenchment and possibilistic logic
Pages 223-239
Didier Dubois, Henri Prade
The invention of memory: A new view of the brain: Israel Rosenfield
Pages 241-284
William J. Clancey
Volume 50, Issue 3, Pages 289-404 (August 1991)
A general framework for reason maintenance
Pages 289-329
Drew McDermott
Maintaining mental models of agents who have existential misconceptions
Pages 331-383
Anthony S. Maida
Generalizing the notion of schema in genetic algorithms
Pages 385-396
Michael D. Vose
Volume 51, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-473 (October 1991)
Qualitative reasoning about physical systems: A return to roots
Pages 1-9
Brian C. Williams, Johan de Kleer
Order of magnitude reasoning
Pages 11-38
Olivier Raiman
A theory of interactions: unifying qualitative and quantitative algebraic reasoning
Pages 39-94
Brian C. Williams
Cmpositional modeling: finding the right model for the job
Pages 95-143
Brian Falkenhainer, Kenneth D. Forbus
Graphs of models
Pages 145-177
Sanjaya Addanki, Roberto Cremonini, J.Scott Penberthy
Understanding complex dynamics by visual and symbolic reasoning
Pages 179-221
Kenneth Man-Kam Yip
Modeling digital circuits for troubleshooting
Pages 223-271
Walter C. Hamscher
Dynamic across-time measurement interpretation
Pages 273-341
Dennis DeCoste
Higher-order derivative constraints in qualitative simulation
Pages 343-379
Benjamin J. Kuipers, Charles Chiu, David T.Dalle Molle, D.R. Throop
Computational kinematics
Pages 381-416
Leo Joskowicz, Elisha P. Sacks
Qualitative spatial reasoning: The CLOCK project
Pages 417-471
Kenneth D. Forbus, Paul Nielsen, Boi Faltings
Volume 52, Issue 1, Pages 1-120 (November 1991)
Robot motion planning with uncertainty in control and sensing
Pages 1-47
Jean-Claude Latombe, Anthony Lazanas, Shashank Shekhar
O-Plan: The open planning architecture
Pages 49-86
Ken Currie, Austin Tate
A non-reified temporal logic
Pages 87-108
Fahiem Bacchus, Josh Tenenberg, Johannes A. Koomen
Data compression using an intelligent generator: The storage of chess games as an example
Pages 109-113
Ingo Althöfer
Volume 52, Issue 2, Pages 121-220 (December 1991)
On the consistency of defeasible databases
Pages 121-149
Moisés Goldszmidt, Judea Pearl
The description identification problem
Pages 151-167
Chris Mellish
Conceptual inductive learning: The case of unreliable teachers
Pages 169-182
Miroslav Kubat
A game tree with distinct leaf values which is easy for the alpha-beta algorithm
Pages 183-190
Ingo Althöfer, Bernhard Balkenhol
Rationality, transitivity, and contraposition
Pages 191-203
Michael Freund, Daniel Lehmann, Paul Morris
The ecology of computation: B.A. Huberman, ed.
Pages 205-218
Michael P. Wellman
Volume 52, Issue 3, Pages 221-360 (December 1991)
Nonmonotonicity and the scope of reasoning
Pages 221-261
David W. Etherington, Sarit Kraus, Donald Perlis
Propositional knowledge base revision and minimal change
Pages 263-294
Hirofumi Katsuno, Alberto O. Mendelzon
The remembered present: A biological theory of consciousness: Gerald M. Edelman
Pages 295-318
Stephen W. Smoliar
Foundations of cognitive science: Michael I. Posner, ed.
Pages 319-328
Alistair J. Bray, Lynne J. Cahill, John P. Rae
Mind Bugs: The origins of procedural misconceptions: Kurt VanLehn
Pages 329-340
Peter Pirolli
Volume 53, Issue 1, Pages 1-123 (January 1992)
Model construction operators
Pages 1-115
William J. Clancey
Volume 53, Issues 2–3, Pages 125-370 (February 1992)
A mathematical treatment of defeasible reasoning and its implementation
Pages 125-157
Guillermo R. Simari, Ronald P. Loui
The roles of associational and causal reasoning in problem solving
Pages 159-207
Reid G. Simmons
Conditional entailment: Bridging two approaches to default reasoning
Pages 209-244
Hector Geffner, Judea Pearl
Bayesian updating: On the interpretation of exhaustive and mutually exclusive assumptions
Pages 245-254
F.C. Lam, W.K. Yeap
Abduction versus closure in causal theories
Pages 255-272
Kurt Konolige
A world championship caliber checkers program
Pages 273-289
Jonathan Schaeffer, Joseph Culberson, Norman Treloar, Brent Knight, Paul Lu, Duane Szafron
Belief updating from integrity constraints and queries
Pages 291-307
Luc De Raedt, Maurice Bruynooghe
The complexity of existential quantification in concept languages
Pages 309-327
Francesco M. Donini, Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi, Bernhard Hollunder, Werner Nutt, Alberto Marchetti Spaccamela
Arc consistency for factorable relations
Pages 329-342
Mark Perlin
Apprentices of wonder: Inside the neural network revolution: William F. Allman
Pages 343-344
Barry Kort
Proceedings of the 1988 connectionist models summer school: David Touretzky, Geoffrey Hinton and Terrence Sejnowski, eds.
Pages 345-353
Nigel Goddard
Neurocomputing: Foundations of research: James A. Anderson and Edward Rosenfeld, eds.
Pages 355-359
Mark Jurik
Volume 54, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-248 (March 1992)
Bayesian diagnosis in expert systems
Pages 1-32
Gernot D. Kleiter
Reconstructive expert system explanation
Pages 33-70
Michael R. Wick, William B. Thompson
Putting knowledge into a visual shape representation
Pages 71-119
Eric Saund
Automated design of specialized representations
Pages 121-198
Jeffrey Van Baalen
Temporal reasoning based on semi-intervals
Pages 199-227
Christian Freksa
The cognitive structure of emotions: Andrew Ortony, Gerald L. Clore and Allan Collins
Pages 229-240
Michael A. Arbib
Volume 54, Issue 3, Pages 249-417 (April 1992)
Match algorithms for generalized Rete networks
Pages 249-274
Ho Soo Lee, Marshall I. Schor
Two views of belief: belief as generalized probability and belief as evidence
Pages 275-317
Joseph Y. Halpern, Ronald Fagin
A guide to completeness and complexity for modal logics of knowledge and belief
Pages 319-379
Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses
Abstract minimality and circumscription
Pages 381-396
Churn Jung Liau, Bertrand I-peng Lin
An efficient method for eliminating varying predicates from a circumscription
Pages 397-410
Marco Cadoli, Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob
Volume 55, Issue 1, Pages 1-147 (May 1992)
What does a conditional knowledge base entail?
Pages 1-60
Daniel Lehmann, Menachem Magidor
Mathematical problems arising in qualitative simulation of a differential equation
Pages 61-86
Olivier Dordan
From local to global consistency
Pages 87-107
Rina Dechter
A semantic backward chaining proof system
Pages 109-128
Xumin Nie, David A. Plaisted
A new result on the complexity of heuristic estimates for the A★ algorithm
Pages 129-143
Othar Hansson, Andrew Mayer, Marco Valtorta
Volume 55, Issues 2–3, Pages 149-387 (June 1992)
An order-sorted logic for knowledge representation systems
Pages 149-191
C. Beierle, U. Hedtstück, U. Pletat, P.H. Schmitt, J. Siekmann
A validation-structure-based theory of plan modification and reuse
Pages 193-258
Subbarao Kambhampati, James A. Hendler
Resolving ambiguity in nonmonotonic inheritance hierarchies
Pages 259-310
Lynn Andrea Stein
Automatic programming of behavior-based robots using reinforcement learning
Pages 311-365
Sridhar Mahadevan, Jonathan Connell
Iterative broadening
Pages 367-383
Matthew L. Ginsberg, William D. Harvey
Volume 56, Issue 1, Pages 1-137 (July 1992)
Natural language syntax and first-order inference
Pages 1-20
David A. McAllester, Robert Givan
Cooperation under uncertainty in distributed expert systems
Pages 21-69
Chengqi Zhang
Connectionist learning of belief networks
Pages 71-113
Radford M. Neal
Use of the Gibbs sampler in expert systems
Pages 115-130
Jeremy York
Volume 56, Issues 2–3, Pages 139-403 (August 1992)
A symbolic approach to qualitative kinematics
Pages 139-170
Boi Faltings
Qualitative superposition
Pages 171-196
Enrico W. Coiera
Characterizing diagnoses and systems
Pages 197-222
Johan de Kleer, Alan K. Mackworth, Raymond Reiter
On the complexity of blocks-world planning
Pages 223-254
Naresh Gupta, Dana S. Nau
Reasoning about model accuracy
Pages 255-300
Daniel S. Weld
Linear resolution for consequence finding
Pages 301-353
Katsumi Inoue
The emperor’s real mind: Review of Roger Penrose’s the emperor’s new mind: Concerning computers, minds and the laws of physics
Pages 355-396
Aaron Sloman
Use of the Gibbs sampler in expert systems
Pages 397-398
Jeremy York
Volume 57, Issue 1, Pages 1-141 (September 1992)
How to reason defeasibly
Pages 1-42
John L. Pollock
The uses of plans
Pages 43-68
Martha E. Pollack
A logic for reasoning with inconsistent knowledge
Pages 69-103
Nico Roos
Effective solution of qualitative interval constraint problems
Pages 105-124
Peter B. Ladkin, Alexander Reinefeld
Proving unsatisfiability for problems with constant cubic sparsity
Pages 125-137
Philip C. Jackson Jr
Volume 57, Issues 2–3, Pages 143-399 (October 1992)
Theory and algorithms for plan merging
Pages 143-181
David E. Foulser, Ming Li, Qiang Yang
A parallel approach to syntax for generation
Pages 183-225
Nigel Ward
On the complexity of propositional knowledge base revision, updates, and counterfactuals
Pages 227-270
Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob
A logic of knowledge and justified assumptions
Pages 271-289
Fangzhen Lin, Yoav Shoham
A generic arc-consistency algorithm and its specializations
Pages 291-321
Pascal Van Hentenryck, Yves Deville, Choh-Man Teng
A theory of abstraction
Pages 323-389
Fausto Giunchiglia, Toby Walsh
Volume 58, Issues 1–3, Pages 1-398 (December 1992)
The logic of constraint satisfaction
Pages 3-20
Alan K. Mackworth
Partial constraint satisfaction
Pages 21-70
Eugene C. Freuder, Richard J. Wallace
Constraint reasoning based on interval arithmetic: the tolerance propagation approach
Pages 71-112
Eero Hyvönen
Constraint satisfaction using constraint logic programming
Pages 113-159
Pascal Van Hentenryck, Helmut Simonis, Mehmet Dincbas
Minimizing conflicts: a heuristic repair method for constraint satisfaction and scheduling problems
Pages 161-205
Steven Minton, Mark D. Johnston, Andrew B. Philips, Philip Laird
Arc consistency: parallelism and domain dependence
Pages 207-235
Paul R. Cooper, Michael J. Swain
Structure identification in relational data
Pages 237-270
Rina Dechter, Judea Pearl
Learning to improve constraint-based scheduling
Pages 271-296
Monte Zweben, Eugene Davis, Brian Daun, Ellen Drascher, Michael Deale, Megan Eskey
Reasoning about qualitative temporal information
Pages 297-326
Peter van Beek
A geometric constraint engine
Pages 327-360
Glenn A. Kramer
A theory of conflict resolution in planning
Pages 361-392
Qiang Yang
Volume 59, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-462 (February 1993)
Artificial intelligence in perspective: a retrospective on fifty volumes of the Artificial Intelligence Journal
Pages 5-20
Daniel G. Bobrow
History of circumscription
Pages 23-26
John McCarthy
Autoepistemic logic revisited
Pages 27-30
Robert C. Moore
Reflections on the knowledge level
Pages 31-38
Allen Newell
Probabilistic logic revisited
Pages 39-42
Nils J. Nilsson
A method for managing evidential reasoning in a hierarchical hypothesis space: a retrospective
Pages 43-47
Jean Gordon, Edward H. Shortliffe
Belief networks revisited
Pages 49-56
Judea Pearl
The complexity of constraint satisfaction revisited
Pages 57-62
Alan K. Mackworth, Eugene C. Freuder
A perspective on assumption-based truth maintenance
Pages 63-67
Johan de Kleer
Retrospective on “Interpreting line drawings as three-dimensional surfaces”
Pages 71-80
Harry G. Barrow, J.M. Tenenbaum
“Determining optical flow”: a retrospective
Pages 81-87
Berthold K.P. Horn, B.G. Schunck
Comment on “Numerical shape from shading and occluding boundaries”
Pages 89-94
K. Ikeuchi
From a real chair to a negative chair
Pages 95-101
Takeo Kanade
A view on qualitative physics
Pages 105-114
Johan de Kleer
Qualitative process theory: twelve years after
Pages 115-123
Kenneth D. Forbus
Reasoning with qualitative models
Pages 125-132
Benjamin J. Kuipers
Qualitative simulation: then and now
Pages 133-140
Benjamin J. Kuipers
Retrospective on “Causality in device behavior”
Pages 141-146
Yumi Iwasaki, Herbert A. Simon
Retrospective on “Diagnostic reasoning based on structure and behavior”
Pages 149-157
Randall Davis
From Dart to Designworld: a chronicle of research on automated engineering in the Stanford Logic Group
Pages 159-165
Michael R. Genesereth
Categorical and probabilistic reasoning in medicine revisited
Pages 167-180
Peter Szolovits, Stephen G. Pauker
Retrospective on “Production rules as a representation for a knowledge-based consultation program”
Pages 181-189
Randall Davis, Bruce G. Buchanan, Edward H. Shortliffe
Notes on “Heuristic classification”
Pages 191-196
William J. Clancey
Notes on “Epistemology of a rule-based expert system”
Pages 197-204
William J. Clancey
Prototypical knowledge for expert systems: a retrospective analysis
Pages 207-211
Jan S. Aikins
Intelligent control
Pages 213-220
Barbara Hayes-Roth
Retrospective on “The organization of expert systems, a tutorial”
Pages 221-224
Mark Stefik, Jan S. Aikins, Robert Balzer, John Benoit, Lawrence Birnbaum, Frederick Hayes-Roth, Earl D. Sacerdoti
STRIPS, a retrospective
Pages 227-232
Richard E. Fikes, Nils J. Nilsson
DENDRAL and Meta-DENDRAL: roots of knowledge systems and expert system applications
Pages 233-240
Edward A. Feigenbaum, Bruce G. Buchanan
R1 (“XCON”) at age 12: lessons from an elementary school achiever
Pages 241-247
John McDermott
Allen Newell: the entry into complex information processing
Pages 251-259
Herbert A. Simon
Eight reviews of Unified Theories of Cognition and a response
Pages 261-263
Mark J. Stefik, Stephen W. Smoliar
Unified Theories of Cognition: Allen Newell
Pages 265-283
Michael A. Arbib
Unified Theories of Cognition: Allen Newell
Pages 285-294
Daniel C. Dennett
Unified Theories of Cognition: modeling cognitive competence
Pages 295-328
Michael R. Fehling
On building integrated cognitive agents: a review of Allen Newell’s Unified Theories of Cognition
Pages 329-341
Barbara Hayes-Roth
Unified theories of cognition: Allen Newell
Pages 343-354
Marvin Minsky
On wings of knowledge: a review of Allen Newell’s Unified Theories of Cognition
Pages 355-369
Jordan B. Pollack
Brain or mind? a review of Allen Newell’s Unified Theories of Cognition
Pages 371-373
Dale Purves
Issues for psychology, AI, and education: a review of Newell’s Unified Theories of Cognition
Pages 375-388
Roger C. Schank, Menachem Y. Jona
On Unified Theories of Cognition: a response to the reviews
Pages 389-413
Paul S. Rosenbloom, John E. Laird
Interview with Allen Newell
Pages 415-449
Philip E. Agre
Volume 60, Issue 1, Pages 1-195 (March 1993)
Turing’s test and conscious thought
Pages 1-22
Donald Michie
A theory of nonmonotonic inheritance based on annotated logic
Pages 23-50
Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Michael Kifer
Agent-oriented programming
Pages 51-92
Yoav Shoham
A structural theory of explanation-based learning
Pages 93-139
Oren Etzioni
Approximating probabilistic inference in Bayesian belief networks is NP-hard
Pages 141-153
Paul Dagum, Michael Luby
Isomorphisms of genetic algorithms
Pages 155-165
David L. Battle, Michael D. Vose
A practical guide to knowledge acquisition: A. Carlisle Scott, Jan E. Clayton and Elizabeth L. Gibson
Pages 167-170
Sandra Marcus
Emergent computation: Self-organizing, collective, and cooperative phenomena in natural and artificial computing networks: Stephanie Forrest, ed.
Pages 171-183
Peter M. Todd
Volume 60, Issue 2, Pages 197-377 (April 1993)
Depth-first heuristic search on a SIMD machine
Pages 199-242
Curt Powley, Chris Ferguson, Richard E. Korf
A SIMD approach to parallel heuristic search
Pages 243-282
Ambuj Mahanti, Charles J. Daniels
On prediction in theorist
Pages 283-292
Michael Thielscher
Circumscription: Completeness reviewed
Pages 293-301
Manfred Jaeger
Consciousness explainedReview Article
Pages 303-312
Joseph O’Rourke
The strange, familiar, and forgotten: An anatomy of consciousnessReview Article
Pages 313-356
William J. Clancey
Volume 70, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-415 (October 1994)
The refinement of probabilistic rule sets: Sociopathic interactions
Pages 1-32
David C. Wilkins, Yong Ma
Inferences in probability logic
Pages 33-52
Giangiacomo Gerla
Minimal belief and negation as failure
Pages 53-72
Vladimir Lifschitz
Exploiting the deep structure of constraint problems
Pages 73-117
Colin P. Williams, Tad Hogg
Knowledge-based artificial neural networks
Pages 119-165
Geoffrey G. Towell, Jude W. Shavlik
Alternative approaches to default logic
Pages 167-237
James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub, W. Ken Jackson
On the complexity of labeling perspective projections of polyhedral scenes
Pages 239-276
Pietro Parodi, Vincent Torre
Causal approximations
Pages 277-334
P.Pandurang Nayak
Easy problems are sometimes hard
Pages 335-345
Ian P. Gent, Toby Walsh
On point-based temporal disjointness
Pages 347-361
Alfonso Gerevini, Lenhart Schubert
A non-minimal but very weak axiomatization of common belief
Pages 363-374
Luc Lismont, Philippe Mongin
First-order jk-clausal theories are PAC-learnable
Pages 375-392
Luc De Raedt, Sašo Džeroski
Volume 71, Issue 1, Pages 1-212 (November 1994)
Motivated action theory: a formal theory of causal reasoning
Pages 1-42
Lynn Andrea Stein, Leora Morgenstern
Downward refinement and the efficiency of hierarchical problem solving
Pages 43-100
Fahiem Bacchus, Qiang Yang
On proving the termination of algorithms by machine
Pages 101-157
Christoph Walther
An optimal backtrack algorithm for tree-structured constraint satisfaction problems
Pages 159-181
Roberto J. Bayardo Jr, Daniel P. Miranker
On Stein’s paper: resolving ambiguity in nonmonotonic inheritance hierarchies
Pages 183-193
Geneviève Simonet, Roland Ducournau
Agent searching in a tree and the optimality of iterative deepening
Pages 195-208
Pallab Dasgupta, P.P. Chakrabarti, S.C. DeSarkar
Volume 71, Issue 2, Pages 213-418 (December 1994)
Limited reasoning in first-order knowledge bases
Pages 213-255
Gerhard Lakemeyer
Knowledge caching for sensor-based systems
Pages 257-280
Yuval Roth, Ramesh Jain
Possible world semantics and autoepistemic reasoning
Pages 281-320
Liwu Li
Robot shaping: developing autonomous agents through learning
Pages 321-370
Marco Dorigo, Marco Colombetti
Geometric reasoning about mechanical assembly
Pages 371-396
Randall H. Wilson, Jean-Claude Latombe
Time-efficient state space search
Pages 397-408
Alexander Reinefeld, Peter Ridinger
Volume 72, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-365 (January 1995)
Computational research on interaction and agency
Pages 1-52
Philip E. Agre
Sensorimotor transformations in the worlds of frogs and robots
Pages 53-79
Michael A. Arbib, Jim-Shih Liaw
Learning to act using real-time dynamic programming
Pages 81-138
Andrew G. Barto, Steven J. Bradtke, Satinder P. Singh
Learning dynamics: system identification for perceptually challenged agents
Pages 139-171
Kenneth Basye, Thomas Dean, Leslie Pack Kaelbling
A dynamical systems perspective on agent-environment interaction
Pages 173-215
Randall D. Beer
On information invariants in robotics
Pages 217-304
Bruce Randall Donald
The stabilization of environments
Pages 305-327
Kristian J. Hammond, Timothy M. Converse, Joshua W. Grass
An architecture for adaptive intelligent systems
Pages 329-365
Barbara Hayes-Roth
Volume 73, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-408 (February 1995)
Computational Research on Interaction and Agency, Part 2
Analysis of adaptation and environment
Pages 1-30
Ian Horswill
The intelligent use of space
Pages 31-68
David Kirsh
Indexical knowledge and robot action—a logical account
Pages 69-115
Yves Lespérance, Hector J. Levesque
Exploiting patterns of interaction to achieve reactive behavior
Pages 117-148
D.M. Lyons, A.J. Hendriks
A situated view of representation and control
Pages 149-173
Stanley J. Rosenschein, Leslie Pack Kaelbling
The use of dynamics in an intelligent controller for a space faring rescue robot
Pages 175-230
Marcel Schoppers
On social laws for artificial agent societies: off-line design
Pages 231-252
Yoav Shoham, Moshe Tennenholtz
Instructions, intentions and expectations
Pages 253-269
Bonnie Webber, Norman Badler, Barbara Di Eugenio, Chris Geib, Libby Levison, Michael Moore
Reinforcement learning of non-Markov decision processes
Pages 271-306
Steven D. Whitehead, Long-Ji Lin
Volume 74, Issue 1, Pages 1-205 (March 1995)
Automated reasoning about machines
Pages 1-53
Andrew Gelsey
Inductive functional programming using incremental program transformation
Pages 55-81
Roland Olsson
World modeling for the dynamic construction of real-time control plans
Pages 83-127
David J. Musliner, Edmund H. Durfee, Kang G. Shin
Horn approximations of empirical data
Pages 129-145
Henry Kautz, Michael Kearns, Bart Selman
Volume 74, Issue 2, Pages 207-402 (April 1995)
Efficient algorithms for qualitative reasoning about time
Pages 207-248
Alfonso Gerevini, Lenhart Schubert
Tractable reasoning via approximation
Pages 249-310
Marco Schaerf, Marco Cadoli
Naming and identity in epistemic logic part II: a first-order logic for naming
Pages 311-350
Adam J. Grove
Volume 75, Issue 1, Pages 1-134 (May 1995)
AI Research in Japan
Qualitative analysis of behavior of systems of piecewise linear differential equations with two state variables
Pages 3-29
Toyoaki Nishida, Shuji Doshita
MBT2: a method for combining fragments of examples in example-based translation
Pages 31-49
Satoshi Sato
Learning of modular structured networks
Pages 51-62
Masumi Ishikawa
CLIP: concept learning from inference patterns
Pages 63-92
Ken’ichi Yoshida, Hiroshi Motoda
Geometric theorem proving by integrated logical and algebraic reasoning
Pages 93-113
Takashi Matsuyama, Tomoaki Nitta
Equilibrium analysis of the distribution of information in human society
Pages 115-130
Shigeki Goto, Hisao Nojima
Volume 75, Issue 2, Pages 135-382 (June 1995)
Behaviorist intelligence and the scaling problem
Pages 135-160
John K. Tsotsos
A typed resolution principle for deduction with conditional typing theory
Pages 161-194
Tie-Cheng Wang
Controlling cooperative problem solving in industrial multi-agent systems using joint intentions
Pages 195-240
N.R. Jennings
Robust reasoning: integrating rule-based and similarity-based reasoning
Pages 241-295
Ron Sun
Multiagent negotiation under time constraints
Pages 297-345
Sarit Kraus, Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Gilad Zlotkin
Volume 76, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-530 (July 1995)
Planning and Scheduling
Planning: What it is, what it could be, an introduction to the special issue on planning and scheduling
Pages 1-16
Drew McDermott, James Hendler
Expressive equivalence of planning formalisms
Pages 17-34
Christer Bäckström
Planning under time constraints in stochastic domains
Pages 35-74
Thomas Dean, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Jak Kirman, Ann Nicholson
Complexity, decidability and undecidability results for domain-independent planning
Pages 75-88
Kutluhan Erol, Dana S. Nau, V.S. Subrahmanian
Approximate planning
Pages 89-123
Matthew L. Ginsberg
Understanding planner behavior
Pages 125-166
Adele E. Howe, Paul R. Cohen
Planning as refinement search: a unified framework for evaluating design tradeoffs in partial-order planning
Pages 167-238
Subbarao Kambhampati, Craig A. Knoblock, Qiang Yang
An algorithm for probabilistic planning
Pages 239-286
Nicholas Kushmerick, Steve Hanks, Daniel S. Weld
Motion planning with uncertainty: a landmark approach
Pages 287-317
Anthony Lazanas, Jean-Claude Latombe
A general programming language for unified planning and control
Pages 319-375
Richard Levinson
CABINS: a framework of knowledge acquisition and iterative revision for schedule improvement and reactive repair
Pages 377-426
Kazuo Miyashita, Katia Sycara
Plan reuse versus plan generation: a theoretical and empirical analysis
Pages 427-454
Bernhard Nebel, Jana Koehler
Backtracking techniques for the job shop scheduling constraint satisfaction problem
Pages 455-480
Norman Sadeh, Katia Sycara, Yalin Xiong
A multivalued logic approach to integrating planning and control
Pages 481-526
Alessandro Saffiotti, Kurt Konolige, Enrique H. Ruspini
Volume 77, Issue 1, Pages 1-201 (August 1995)
Interpreting non-3-D line drawings
Pages 1-41
Akira Shimaya
Abduction as belief revision
Pages 43-94
Craig Boutilier, Veronica Beche
Artificial intelligence: an empirical science
Pages 95-127
Herbert A. Simon
IPUS: an architecture for the integrated processing and understanding of signals
Pages 129-171
Victor R. Lesser, S.Hamid Nawab, Frank I. Klassner
Volume 77, Issue 2, Pages 203-402 (September 1995)
Reasoning, nonmonotonicity and learning in connectionist networks that capture propositional knowledge
Pages 203-247
Gadi Pinkas
A circumscriptive calculus of events
Pages 249-284
Murray Shanahan
A comparative study of open default theories
Pages 285-319
Michael Kaminski
On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and n-person games
Pages 321-357
Phan Minh Dung
Volume 78, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-550 (October 1995)
Special Volume on Computer Vision
Estimation of optical flow based on higher-order spatiotemporal derivatives in interlaced and non-interlaced image sequences
Pages 5-43
Michael Otte, Hans-Hellmut Nagel
3-D motion estimation from motion field
Pages 45-86
Naresh C. Gupta, Laveen N. Kanal
A robust technique for matching two uncalibrated images through the recovery of the unknown epipolar geometry
Pages 87-119
Zhengyou Zhang, Rachid Deriche, Olivier Faugeras, Quang-Tuan Luong
Multilevel enhancement and detection of stereo disparity surfaces
Pages 121-145
Yibing Yang, Alan L. Yuille
Global surface reconstruction by purposive control of observer motion
Pages 147-177
Kiriakos N. Kutulakos, Charles R. Dyer
Learning to track the visual motion of contours
Pages 179-212
Andrew Blake, Michael Isard, David Reynard
Understanding positioning from multiple images
Pages 213-238
Roger Mohr, Boubakeur Boufama, Pascal Brand
3D object recognition using invariance
Pages 239-288
Andrew Zisserman, David Forsyth, Joseph Mundy, Charlie Rothwell, Jane Liu, Nic Pillow
Recognition of object classes from range data
Pages 289-326
I.D. Reid, J.M. Brady
Localization and homing using combinations of model views
Pages 327-354
Ronen Basri, Ehud Rivlin
Topological direction-giving and visual navigation in large environments
Pages 355-395
Il-Pyung Park, John R. Kender
Control of perceptual attention in robot driving
Pages 397-430
Douglas A. Reece, Steve A. Shafer
Visual surveillance in a dynamic and uncertain world
Pages 431-459
Hilary Buxton, Shaogang Gong
An active vision architecture based on iconic representations
Pages 461-505
Rajesh P.N. Rao, Dana H. Ballard
Modeling visual attention via selective tuning
Pages 507-545
John K. Tsotsos, Scan M. Culhane, Winky Yan Kei Wai, Yuzhong Lai, Neal Davis, Fernando Nuflo
Volume 79, Issue 1, Pages 1-201 (November 1995)
Pac-learning non-recursive prolog clauses
Pages 1-38
William W. Cohen
In search of a “true” logic of knowledge: the nonmonotonic perspective
Pages 39-63
Grigori Schwarz
Volume 79, Issue 2, Pages 203-402 (December 1995)
A nonstandard approach to the logical omniscience problem
Pages 203-240
Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Moshe Y. Vardi
Performance of linear-space search algorithms
Pages 241-292
Weixiong Zhang, Richard E. Korf
Task modeling with reusable problem-solving methods
Pages 293-326
Henrik Eriksson, Yuval Shahar, Samson W. Tu, Angel R. Puerta, Mark A. Musen
Tractable constraints on ordered domains
Pages 327-339
Peter G. Jeavons, Martin C. Cooper
The music collection
Pages 341-342
Stephen W. Smoliar
Volume 80, Issue 1, Pages 1-195 (January 1996)
The topology of boundaries
Pages 1-26
Margaret M. Fleck
Diagnosis based on explicit means-end models
Pages 29-93
Jan Eric Larsson
Volume 80, Issue 2, Pages 197-380 (February 1996)
A metatheory of a mechanized object theory
Pages 197-241
Fausto Giunchiglia, Paolo Traverso
A logic of time, chance, and action for representing plans
Pages 243-308
Peter Haddawy
Model simplification by asymptotic order of magnitude reasoning
Pages 309-348
Kenneth Man-kam Yip
On embedding default logic into Moore’s autoepistemic logic
Pages 349-359
Grigori Schwarz
Volume 81, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-356 (March 1996)
Frontiers in Problem Solving: Phase Transitions and Complexity
Phase transitions and the search problem
Pages 1-15
Tad Hogg, Bernardo A. Huberman, Colin P. Williams
Generating hard satisfiability problems
Pages 17-29
Bart Selman, David G. Mitchell, Hector J. Levesque
Experimental results on the crossover point in random 3-SAT
Pages 31-57
James M. Crawford, Larry D. Auton
The satisfiability constraint gap
Pages 59-80
Ian P. Gent, Toby Walsh
An empirical study of phase transitions in binary constraint satisfaction problems
Pages 81-109
Patrick Prosser
Some pitfalls for experimenters with random SAT
Pages 111-125
David G. Mitchell, Hector J. Levesque
Refining the phase transition in combinatorial search
Pages 127-154
Tad Hogg
Locating the phase transition in binary constraint satisfaction problems
Pages 155-181
Barbara M. Smith, Martin E. Dyer
Hard random 3-SAT problems and the Davis-Putnam procedure
Pages 183-198
Jon W. Freeman
Implicates and prime implicates in Random 3-SAT
Pages 199-222
Robert Schrag, James M. Crawford
A study of complexity transitions on the asymmetric traveling salesman problem
Pages 223-239
Weixiong Zhang, Richard E. Korf
A probabilistic analysis of prepositional STRIPS planning
Pages 241-271
Tom Bylander
Critical behavior in the computational cost of satisfiability testing
Pages 273-295
Bart Selman, Scott Kirkpatrick
Epsilon-transformation: exploiting phase transitions to solve combinatorial optimization problems
Pages 297-325
Joseph C. Pemberton, Weixiong Zhang
Problem structure heuristics and scaling behavior for genetic algorithms
Pages 327-347
Scott H. Clearwater, Tad Hogg
Volume 82, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-396 (April 1996)
Structure-driven algorithms for truth maintenance
Pages 1-20
Rina Dechter, Avi Dechter
Probably approximately optimal satisficing strategies
Pages 21-44
Russell Greiner, Pekka Orponen
Knowledge representation and inference in similarity networks and Bayesian multinets
Pages 45-74
Dan Geiger, David Heckerman
ALX, an action logic for agents with bounded rationality
Pages 75-127
Zhisheng Huang, Michael Masuch, László Pólos
On the nature and role of modal truth criteria in planning
Pages 129-155
Subbarao Kambhampati, Dana S. Nau
Noise modelling and evaluating learning from examples
Pages 157-179
Ray J. Hickey
Optimal composition of real-time systems
Pages 181-213
Shlomo Zilberstein, Stuart Russell
Knowledge-level analysis of belief base operations
Pages 215-235
Sven Ove Hansson
Searching game trees under a partial order
Pages 237-257
Pallab Dasgupta, P.P. Chakrabarti, S.C. DeSarkar
Support set selection for a bductive and default reasoning
Pages 259-272
Bart Selman, Hector J. Levesque
On the hardness of approximate reasoning
Pages 273-302
Dan Roth
Stochastic modelling of Genetic Algorithms
Pages 303-330
David Reynolds, Jagannathan Gomatam
Volume 83, Issue 1, Pages 1-191 (May 1996)
Measures of uncertainty in expert systems
Pages 1-58
Peter Walley
The token reification approach to temporal reasoning
Pages 59-74
Lluís Vila, Han Reichgelt
Qualitative system identification: deriving structure from behavior
Pages 75-141
A.C.Cem Say, Selahattin Kuru
Abduction to plausible causes: an event-based model of belief update
Pages 143-166
Craig Boutilier
Optimization of Pearl’s method of conditioning and greedy-like approximation algorithms for the vertex feedback set problem
Pages 167-188
Ann Becker, Dan Geiger
Volume 83, Issue 2, Pages 193-384 (June 1996)
Efficient compositional modeling for generating causal explanations
Pages 193-227
P.Pandurang Nayak, Leo Joskowicz
Off-line reasoning for on-line efficiency: knowledge bases
Pages 229-239
Yoram Moses, Moshe Tennenholtz
Active surface estimation: integrating coarse-to-fine image acquisition and estimation from multiple cues
Pages 241-266
Subhodev Das, Narendra Ahuja
Relation algebras of intervals
Pages 267-295
Robin Hirsch
An overview of incentive contracting
Pages 297-346
Sarit Kraus
An efficient algorithm for optimal pruning of decision trees
Pages 347-362
Hussein Almuallim
Integration of weighted knowledge bases
Pages 363-378
Jinxin Lin
Volume 84, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-361 (July 1996)
Taxonomic plan reasoning
Pages 1-35
Premkumar T. Devanbu, Diane J. Litman
EVEXED and MEET for mechanical design: testing structural decomposition and constraint propagation
Pages 37-56
L. Steinberg, N. Langrana
Qualitative probabilities for default reasoning, belief revision, and causal modeling
Pages 57-112
Moisés Goldszmidt, Judea Pearl
Default reasoning using classical logic
Pages 113-150
Rachel Ben-Eliyahu, Rina Dechter
Compromise in negotiation: exploiting worth functions over states
Pages 151-176
Gilad Zlotkin, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
PALO: a probabilistic hill-climbing algorithm
Pages 177-208
Russell Greiner
Limited reasoning in first-order knowledge bases with full introspection
Pages 209-255
Gerhard Lakemeyer
Goal-directed diagnosis—a diagnostic reasoning framework for exploratory-corrective domains
Pages 257-297
Ron Rymon
Best-first minimax search
Pages 299-337
Richard E. Korf, David Maxwell Chickering
Automatic correlation and calibration of noisy sensor readings using elite genetic algorithms
Pages 339-354
R.R. Brooks, S.S. Iyengar, J. Chen
Volume 85, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-404 (August 1996)
A systematic methodology for cognitive modelling
Pages 3-44
R. Cooper, J. Fox, J. Farringdon, T. Shallice
Taggers for parsers
Pages 45-57
Eugene Charniak, Glenn Carroll, John Adcock, Anthony Cassandra, Yoshihiko Gotoh, Jeremy Katz, Michael Littman, John McCann
An empirical symbolic approach to natural language processing
Pages 59-99
Roberto Basili, Maria Teresa Pazienza, Paola Velardi
An empirical study of automated dictionary construction for information extraction in three domains
Pages 101-134
Ellen Riloff
Empirically designing and evaluating a new revision-based model for summary generation
Pages 135-179
Jacques Robin, Kathleen McKeown
The effect of resource limits and task complexity on collaborative planning in dialogue
Pages 181-243
Marilyn A. Walker
Evaluating evolutionary algorithms
Pages 245-276
Darrell Whitley, Soraya Rana, John Dzubera, Keith E. Mathias
Theories for mutagenicity: a study in first-order and feature-based induction
Pages 277-299
Ashwin Srinivasan, S.H. Muggleton, M.J.E. Sternberg, R.D. King
Exploratory analysis of speedup learning data using expectation maximization
Pages 301-319
Alberto Maria Segre, Geoffrey J. Gordon, Charles P. Elkan
Speeding up problem solving by abstraction: a graph oriented approach
Pages 321-361
R.C. Holte, T. Mkadmi, R.M. Zimmer, A.J. MacDonald
The sensitivity of belief networks to imprecise probabilities: an experimental investigation
Pages 363-397
Malcolm Pradhan, Max Henrion, Gregory Provan, Brendan Del Favero, Kurt Huang
Volume 86, Issue 1, Pages 1-193 (September 1996)
Variable and value ordering heuristics for the job shop scheduling constraint satisfaction problem
Pages 1-41
Norman Sadeh, Mark S. Fox
Graph search methods for non-order-preserving evaluation functions: applications to job sequencing problems
Pages 43-73
Anup K. Sen, Amitava Bagchi
A semantics for reasoning consistently in the presence of inconsistency
Pages 75-95
Jinxin Lin
B∗ probability based search
Pages 97-156
Hans J. Berliner, Chris McConnell
Volume 86, Issue 2, Pages 195-408 (October 1996)
Mechanism design for automated negotiation, and its application to task oriented domains
Pages 195-244
Gilad Zlotkin, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
Uncovering trees in constraint networks
Pages 245-267
Itay Meiri, Rina Dechter, Judea Pearl
Collaborative plans for complex group action
Pages 269-357
Barbara J. Grosz, Sarit Kraus
Volume 87, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-395 (November 1996)
Local conditioning in Bayesian networks
Pages 1-20
F.J. Díez
Deriving consensus in multiagent systems
Pages 21-74
Eithan Ephrati, Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
From statistical knowledge bases to degrees of belief
Pages 75-143
Fahiem Bacchus, Adam J. Grove, Joseph Y. Halpern, Daphne Koller
Planning from second principles
Pages 145-186
Jana Koehler
Reasoning with models
Pages 187-213
Roni Khardon, Dan Roth
Improving accuracy by combining rule-based and case-based reasoning
Pages 215-254
Andrew R. Golding, Paul S. Rosenbloom
Best-first fixed-depth minimax algorithms
Pages 255-293
Aske Plaat, Jonathan Schaeffer, Wim Pijls, Arie de Bruin
A probabilistic framework for cooperative multi-agent distributed interpretation and optimization of communication
Pages 295-342
Y. Xiang
Combining qualitative and quantitative constraints in temporal reasoning
Pages 343-385
Itay Meiri
Volume 88, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-382 (December 1996)
Using hidden nodes in Bayesian networks
Pages 1-38
Chee-Keong Kwoh, Duncan Fyfe Gillies
Calculating criticalities
Pages 39-67
A. Bundy, F. Giunchiglia, R. Sebastiani, T. Walsh
Probabilistic conflicts in a search algorithm for estimating posterior probabilities in Bayesian networks
Pages 69-100
David Poole
A statistical approach to adaptive problem solving
Pages 101-142
Jonathan Gratch, Gerald DeJong
Propagating imprecise probabilities in Bayesian networks
Pages 143-161
Gernot D. Kleiter
Possibilistic reasoning—a mini-survey and uniform semantics
Pages 163-193
Churn-Jung Liau, Bertrand I-Peng Lin
Cardinality restrictions on concepts
Pages 195-213
Franz Baader, Martin Buchheit, Bernhard Hollander
Is intractability of nonmonotonic reasoning a real drawback?
Pages 215-251
Marco Cadoli, Francesco M. Donini, Marco Schaerf
Failure driven dynamic search control for partial order planners: an explanation based approach
Pages 253-315
Subbarao Kambhampati, Suresh Katukam, Yong Qu
Using action-based hierarchies for real-time diagnosis
Pages 317-347
David Ash, Barbara Hayes-Roth
Volume 89, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-394 (January 1997)
On the logic of iterated belief revision
Pages 1-29
Adnan Darwiche, Judea Pearl
Solving the multiple instance problem with axis-parallel rectangles
Pages 31-71
Thomas G. Dietterich, Richard H. Lathrop, Tomás Lozano-Pérez
A cognitive architecture for artificial vision
Pages 73-111
A. Chella, M. Frixione, S. Gaglio
Sound and efficient closed-world reasoning for planning
Pages 113-148
Oren Etzioni, Keith Golden, Daniel S. Weld
Abductive consequence relations
Pages 149-171
Jorge Lobo, Carlos Uzcátegui
Permissive planning: extending classical planning to uncertain task domains
Pages 173-217
Gerald F. DeJong, Scott W. Bennett
Abstraction and approximate decision-theoretic planning
Pages 219-283
Richard Dearden, Craig Boutilier
Automatically selecting and using primary effects in planning: theory and experiments
Pages 285-315
Eugene Fink, Qiang Yang
Ramification and causality
Pages 317-364
Michael Thielscher
A theoretical evaluation of selected backtracking algorithms
Pages 365-387
Grzegorz Kondrak, Peter van Beek
Volume 90, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-364 (February 1997)
Fundamental properties of neighbourhood substitution in constraint satisfaction problems
Pages 1-24
Martin C. Cooper
Continuous case-based reasoning
Pages 25-77
A. Ram, J.C. Santamaría
A framework for knowledge-based temporal abstraction
Pages 79-133
Yuval Shahar
Computing answers with model elimination
Pages 135-176
Peter Baumgartner, Ulrich Furbach, Frieder Stolzenburg
Semantics and complexity of abduction from default theories
Pages 177-223
Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone
Abstract argumentation systems
Pages 225-279
Gerard A.W. Vreeswijk
Fast planning through planning graph analysis
Pages 281-300
Avrim L. Blum, Merrick L. Furst
Compiling specificity into approaches to nonmonotonic reasoning
Pages 301-348
James P. Delgrande, Torsten H. Schaub
Volume 91, Issue 1, Pages 1-175 (March 1997)
Artificial Intelligence Research in Japan
Grammatical description of behaviors of ordinary differential equations in two-dimensional phase space
Pages 3-32
Toyoaki Nishida
Causality as a key to the frame problem
Pages 33-50
Hideyuki Nakashima, Hitoshi Matsubara, Ichiro Osawa
Constraint-based design for 3D shapes
Pages 51-69
Shuichi Shimizu, Masayuki Numao
Computer-aided thinking by mapping text-objects into metric spaces
Pages 71-84
Yasuyuki Sumi, Koichi Hori, Setsuo Ohsuga
Error repair and knowledge acquisition via case-based reasoning
Pages 85-101
Takeshi Kohno, Susumu Hamada, Dai Araki, Shoichi Kojima, Toshikazu Tanaka
A new approach to quantitative and credible diagnosis for multiple faults of components and sensors
Pages 103-130
T. Washio, M. Sakuma, M. Kitamura
Networked bubble propagation: a polynomial-time hypothetical reasoning method for computing near-optimal solutions
Pages 131-154
Yukio Ohsawa, Mitsuru Ishizuka
k-Certainty Exploration Method: an action selector to identify the environment in reinforcement learning
Pages 155-171
Kazuteru Miyazaki, Masayuki Yamamura, Shigenobu Kobayashi
Volume 91, Issue 2, Pages 177-314 (April 1997)
Scientific Discovery
Scientific discovery and simplicity of method
Pages 177-181
Herbert A. Simon, Raúl E. Valdés-Pérez, Derek H. Sleeman
An interactive system for finding complementary literatures: a stimulus to scientific discovery
Pages 183-203
Don R. Swanson, Neil R. Smalheiser
Induction and the discovery of the causes of scurvy: a computational reconstruction
Pages 205-223
Vincent Corruble, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
The computer revolution in science: steps towards the realization of computer-supported discovery environments
Pages 225-256
Hidde de Jong, Arie Rip
ReTAX: a step in the automation of taxonomic revision
Pages 257-279
Eugenio Alberdi, Derek H. Sleeman
A computational approach to George Boole’s discovery of mathematical logic
Pages 281-307
Luis de Ledesma, Aurora Pérez, Daniel Borrajo, Luis M. Laita
Volume 92, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-336 (May 1997)
Defeasible inheritance on cyclic networks
Pages 1-23
Gian Aldo Antonelli
Clause trees: a tool for understanding and implementing resolution in automated reasoning
Pages 25-89
J.D. Horton, Bruce Spencer
Proving properties of continuous systems: qualitative simulation and temporal logic
Pages 91-129
Benjamin Shults, Benjamin J. Kuipers
How to progress a database
Pages 131-167
Fangzhen Lin, Ray Reiter
Map learning with uninterpreted sensors and effectors
Pages 169-227
David Pierce, Benjamin J. Kuipers
Volume 93, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-343 (June 1997)
An optimal approximation algorithm for Bayesian inference
Pages 1-27
Paul Dagum, Michael Luby
Processing disjunctions in temporal constraint networks
Pages 29-61
Eddie Schwalb, Rina Dechter
An abstract, argumentation-theoretic approach to default reasoning
Pages 63-101
A. Bondarenko, P.M. Dung, R.A. Kowalski, F. Toni
Dynamic reasoning with qualified syllogisms
Pages 103-167
Daniel G. Schwartz
Definability and commonsense reasoning
Pages 169-199
Gianni Amati, Luigia Carlucci Aiello, Fiora Pirri
Automated modeling of complex systems to answer prediction questions
Pages 201-260
Jeff Rickel, Brace Porter
Reducing belief revision to circumscription (and vice versa)
Pages 261-296
Paolo Liberatore, Marco Schaerf
Twenty-one large tractable subclasses of Allen’s algebra
Pages 297-319
Thomas Drakengren, Peter Jonsson
Constraint satisfaction problem with bilevel constraint: application to interpretation of over-segmented images
Pages 321-335
A. Deruyver, Y. Hodé
Volume 94, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-270 (July 1997)
Economic principles of multi-agent systems
Pages 1-6
Craig Boutilier, Yoav Shoham, Michael P. Wellman
The independent choice logic for modelling multiple agents under uncertainty
Pages 7-56
David Poole
Rationality and intelligence
Pages 57-77
Stuart J. Russell
Negotiation and cooperation in multi-agent environments
Pages 79-97
Sarit Kraus
Coalitions among computationally bounded agents
Pages 99-137
Tuomas W. Sandhlom, Victor R.T Lesser
On the emergence of social conventions: modeling, analysis, and simulations
Pages 139-166
Yoav Shoham, Moshe Tennenholtz
Representations and solutions for game-theoretic problems
Pages 167-215
Daphne Koller, Avi Pfeffer
Modeling agents as qualitative decision makers
Pages 217-268
Ronen I. Brafman, Moshe Tennenholtz
Volume 95, Issue 1, Pages 1-213 (August 1997)
Engineering and compiling planning domain models to promote validity and efficiency
Pages 1-65
T.L. McCluskey, J.M. Porteous
Planning control rules for reactive agents
Pages 67-113
F. Kabanza, M. Barbeau, R. St-Denis
Autoepistemic logic of knowledge and beliefs
Pages 115-154
Teodor C. Przymusinski
Determination of social laws for multi-agent mobilization
Pages 155-167
Shmuel Onn, Moshe Tennenholtz
An event driven integration reasoning scheme for handling dynamic threats in an unstructured environment
Pages 169-186
Yan Xia, S.S. Iyengar, N.E. Brener
An automatic proof of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem
Pages 203-207
Kurt Ammon
Volume 95, Issue 2, Pages 215-444 (September 1997)
Qualitative and quantitative simulation: bridging the gap
Pages 215-255
Daniel Berleant, Benjamin J. Kuipers
Modeling belief in dynamic systems, part I: Foundations
Pages 257-316
Nir Friedman, Joseph Y. Halpern
Qualitative representation of positional information
Pages 317-356
Eliseo Clementini, Paolino Di Felice, Daniel Hernández
The common order-theoretic structure of version spaces and ATMSs
Pages 357-407
Carl A. Gunter, Teow-Hin Ngair, Devika Subramanian
Representing action: indeterminacy and ramifications
Pages 409-438
Enrico Giunchiglia, G.Neelakantan Kartha, Vladimir Lifschitz
Volume 96, Issue 2, Pages 303-487 (November 1997)
An extension of QSIM with qualitative curvature
Pages 303-350
Abul Hossain, Kumar S. Ray
Automated model selection for simulation based on relevance reasoning
Pages 351-394
Alon Y. Levy, Yumi Iwasaki, Richard Fikes
Tail uncertainty analysis in complex systems
Pages 395-419
Enrique Castillo, Cristina Solares, Patricia Gómez
Reasoning with minimal models: efficient algorithms and applications
Pages 421-449
Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary, Luigi Palopoli
Volume 97, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-402 (December 1997)
Axioms of causal relevance
Pages 9-43
David Galles, Judea Pearl
A logical notion of conditional independence: properties and applications
Pages 45-82
Adnan Darwiche
Speeding up inferences using relevance reasoning: a formalism and algorithms
Pages 83-136
Alon Y. Levy, Richard E. Fikes, Yehoshua Sagiv
Relevance from an epistemic perspective
Pages 137-167
Gerhard Lakemeyer
Defaults and relevance in model-based reasoning
Pages 169-193
Roni Khardon, Dan Roth
A Bayesian approach to relevance in game playing
Pages 195-242
Eric B. Baum, Warren D. Smith
Selection of relevant features and examples in machine learning
Pages 245-271
Avrim L. Blum, Pat Langley
Wrappers for feature subset selection
Pages 273-324
Ron Kohavi, George H. John
Volume 98, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-369 (January 1998)
Schema induction for logic program synthesis
Pages 1-47
Nancy Lynn Tinkham
Localized planning with action-based constraints
Pages 49-136
Amy L. Lansky
A method of spatial reasoning based on qualitative trigonometry
Pages 137-168
Jiming Liu
Characterizing the principle of minimum cross-entropy within a conditional-logical framework
Pages 169-208
Gabriele Kern-Isberner
Preferential reasoning in the perspective of Poole default logic
Pages 209-235
Michael Freund
Geometric reasoning about assembly tools
Pages 237-279
Randall H. Wilson
A unified model of qualitative belief change: a dynamical systems perspective
Pages 281-316
Craig Boutilier
On the knowledge requirements of tasks
Pages 317-349
Ronen I. Brafman, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoav Shoham
Volume 99, Issue 1, Pages 1-186 (February 1998)
GAS, a concept on modeling species in genetic algorithms
Pages 1-19
Márk Jelasity, József Dombi
Learning metric-topological maps for indoor mobile robot navigation
Pages 21-71
Sebastian Thrun
Geometric construction by assembling solved subfigures
Pages 73-119
Jean-François Dufourd, Pascal Mathis, Pascal Schreck
Interleaving natural language parsing and generation through uniform processing
Pages 121-163
Günter Neumann
Volume 99, Issue 2, Pages 187-361 (March 1998)
Benefits of using multivalued functions for minimaxing
Pages 187-208
Anton Scheucher, Hermann Kaindl
A refined architecture for terminological systems: Terminology = Schema + Views
Pages 209-260
M. Buchheit, F.M. Donini, W. Nutt, A. Schaerf
Planning parallel actions
Pages 261-324
A.R. Lingard, E.B. Richards
Pruning algorithms for multi-model adversary search
Pages 325-355
David Carmel, Shaul Markovitch
Volume 100, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-357 (April 1998)
Interpreting a dynamic and uncertain world: task-based control
Pages 5-85
Richard J. Howarth
Search in games with incomplete information: a case study using Bridge card play
Pages 87-123
Ian Frank, David Basin
State-variable planning under structural restrictions: algorithms and complexity
Pages 125-176
Peter Jonsson, Christer Bäckström
Model-based average reward reinforcement learning
Pages 177-224
Prasad Tadepalli, DoKyeong Ok
An epistemic operator for description logics
Pages 225-274
F.M. Donini, M. Lenzerini, D. Nardi, W. Nutt, A. Schaerf
Pragmatic navigation: reactivity, heuristics, and search
Pages 275-322
Susan L. Epstein
Showing the way: a review of the second edition of Holland’s adaptation in natural and artificial systems
Pages 331-338
Jim Levenick
Special issue on intelligent internet systems
Special issue on computational tradeoffs under bounded resources
Pages 341-342
Eric Horvitz, Shlomo Zilberstein
Volume 101, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-354 (May 1998)
On the relation between default and modal nonmonotonic reasoning
Pages 1-34
Alexander Bochman
Using modeling knowledge to guide design space search
Pages 35-62
Andrew Gelsey, Mark Schwabacher, Don Smith
Inductive learning of search control rules for planning
Pages 63-98
Christopher Leckie, Ingrid Zukerman
Planning and acting in partially observable stochastic domains
Pages 99-134
Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Michael L. Littman, Anthony R. Cassandra
A belief network approach to optimization and parameter estimation: application to resource and environmental management
Pages 135-163
Olli Vans
Methods for task allocation via agent coalition formation
Pages 165-200
Onn Shehory, Sarit Kraus
What robots can do: robot programs and effective achievability
Pages 201-226
Fangzhen Lin, Hector J. Levesque
Verification of knowledge bases based on containment checking
Pages 227-250
Alon Y. Levy, Marie-Christine Rousset
Volume 102, Issue 1, Pages 1-162 (June 1998)
On stable social laws and qualitative equilibria
Pages 1-20
Moshe Tennenholtz
Approximating MAPs for belief networks is NP-hard and other theorems
Pages 21-38
Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Sandra M. Hedetniemi
A spectrum of definitions for temporal model-based diagnosis
Pages 39-79
Vittorio Brusoni, Luca Console, Paolo Terenziani, Daniele Theseider Dupré
Probabilistic semantics for Delgrande’s conditional logic and a counterexample to his default logic
Pages 81-95
Gerhard Schurz
The value of the four values
Pages 97-141
Ofer Arieli, Arnon Avron
A unifying approach to temporal constraint reasoning
Pages 143-155
Peter Jonsson, Christer Bäckström
Volume 102, Issue 2, Pages 163-346 (July 1998)
Value minimization in circumscription
Pages 163-186
China Baral, Alfredo Gabaldon, Alessandro Provetti
From environments to representations—a mathematical theory of artificial perceptions
Pages 187-247
Z. Arzi-Gonczarowski, D. Lehmann
Adaptation-guided retrieval: questioning the similarity assumption in reasoning
Pages 249-293
Barry Smyth, Mark T. Keane
Growing methods for constructing recursive deterministic perceptron neural networks and knowledge extraction
Pages 295-322
M. Tajine, D. Elizondo
Volume 103, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-362 (August 1998)
Artificial Intelligence 40 years later
Remote Agent: to boldly go where no AI system has gone before
Pages 5-47
Nicola Muscettola, P.Pandurang Nayak, Barney Pell, Brian C. Williams
Vehicles capable of dynamic vision: a new breed of technical beings?
Pages 49-76
Ernst D. Dickmanns
Object identification: a Bayesian analysis with application to traffic surveillance
Pages 77-93
Timothy Huang, Stuart Russell
Generating multimedia briefings: coordinating language and illustration
Pages 95-116
Kathleen R. McKeown, Steven K. Feiner, Mukesh Dalal, Shih-Fu Chang
Role of constrained computational systems in natural language processing
Pages 117-132
Aravind K. Joshi
The origins of syntax in visually grounded robotic agents
Pages 133-156
Luc Steels
Modelling social action for AI agents
Pages 157-182
Cristiano Castelfranchi
Let’s plan it deductively!
Pages 183-208
W. Bibel
A gentle introduction to Numerica
Pages 209-235
Pascal Van Hentenryck
Inheritance comes of age: applying nonmonotonic techniques to problems in industry
Pages 237-271
Leora Morgenstern
Applications of the situation calculus to formalizing control and strategic information: the Prolog cut operator
Pages 273-294
Fangzhen Lin
Machine learning techniques to make computers easier to use
Pages 295-321
Hiroshi Motoda, Kenichi Yoshida
Translingual information retrieval: learning from bilingual corpora
Pages 323-345
Yiming Yang, Jaime G. Carbonell, Ralf D. Brown, Robert E. Frederking
Creativity and artificial intelligence
Pages 347-356
Margaret A. Boden
Volume 104, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-364 (September 1998)
Reaching agreements through argumentation: a logical model and implementation
Pages 1-69
Sarit Kraus, Katia Sycara, Amir Evenchik
Model-based diagnostics and probabilistic assumption-based reasoning
Pages 71-106
J. Kohlas, B. Anrig, R. Haenni, P.A. Monney
Formalizing narratives using nested circumscription
Pages 107-164
Chitta Baral, Alfredo Gabaldon, Alessandro Provetti
Combining Horn rules and description logics in CARIN
Pages 165-209
Alon Y. Levy, Marie-Christine Rousset
Generating multiple new designs from a sketch
Pages 211-264
Thomas F. Stahovich, Randall Davis, Howard Shrobe
Why Gödel’s theorem cannot refute computationalism
Pages 265-286
Geoffrey LaForte, Patrick J. Hayes, Kenneth M. Ford
A probabilistic framework for memory-based reasoning
Pages 287-311
Simon Kasif, Steven Salzberg, David Waltz, John Rachlin, David W. Aha
Volume 105, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-358 (October 1998)
Concurrency and knowledge-level communication in agent languages
Pages 1-45
Mauro Gaspari
Empirically-derived estimates of the complexity of labeling line drawings of polyhedral scenes
Pages 47-75
P. Parodi, R. Lancewicki, A. Vijh, J.K. Tsotsos
Rough computational methods for information systems
Pages 77-103
J.W. Guan, D.A. Bell
On first-order conditional logics
Pages 105-137
James P. Delgrande
Detecting geometric infeasibility
Pages 139-159
Achim Schweikard, Fabian Schwarzer
On the relations between intelligent backtracking and failure-driven explanation-based learning in constraint satisfaction and planning
Pages 161-208
Subbarao Kambhampati
Multiple perspective dynamic decision making
Pages 209-261
Tze Yun Leong
Exploiting multiple goals and intentions in decision support for the management of multiple trauma: a review of the TraumAID project
Pages 263-293
Bonnie Webber, Sandra Carberry, John R. Clarke, Abigail Gertner, Terrence Harvey, Ron Rymon, Richard Washington
Analysis of notions of diagnosis
Pages 295-343
Peter J.F. Lucas
Volume 106, Issue 1, Pages 1-180 (November 1998)
Prolog technology for default reasoning: proof theory and compilation techniques
Pages 1-75
Torsten Schaub, Stefan Brüning
2U: an exact interval propagation algorithm for polytrees with binary variables
Pages 77-107
Enrico Fagiuoli, Marco Zaffalon
Uncertainty measures of rough set prediction
Pages 109-137
Ivo Düntsch, Günther Gediga
Recovery of (non)monotonic theories
Pages 139-159
Cees Witteveen, Wiebe van der Hoek
Volume 106, Issue 2, Pages 181-364 (December 1998)
A complete anytime algorithm for number partitioning
Pages 181-203
Richard E. Korf
A complete classification of tractability in Allen’s algebra relative to subsets of basic relations
Pages 205-219
Thomas Drakengren, Peter Jonsson
Lexicographic priorities in default logic
Pages 221-265
Jussi Rintanen
The logical foundations of goal-regression planning in autonomous agents
Pages 267-334
John L. Pollock
Worst-case analysis of the perception and exponentiated update algorithms
Pages 335-352
Tom Bylander
Volume 107, Issue 1, Pages 1-173 (January 1999)
Portability by automatic translation: A large-scale case study
Pages 1-28
Yishai A. Feldman, Doron A. Friedman
Dynamic generation, management and resolution of interactive plots
Pages 29-62
Nikitas M. Sgouros
Reasoning about nondeterministic and concurrent actions: A process algebra approach
Pages 63-98
Xiao Jun Chen, Giuseppe De Giacomo
Fast Bayes and the dynamic junction forest
Pages 99-124
J.Q. Smith, K.N. Papamichail
Using constraint metaknowledge to reduce arc consistency computation
Pages 125-148
Christian Bessiére, Eugene C. Freuder, Jean-Charles Regin
Volume 107, Issue 2, Pages 175-361 (February 1999)
The complexity of theory revision
Pages 175-217
Russell Greiner
Expressiveness of concept expressions in first-order description logics
Pages 303-333
Natasha Kurtonina, Maarten de Rijke
Logical analysis of binary data with missing bits
Pages 219-263
Endre Boros, Toshihide Ibaraki, Kazuhisa Makino
Computing a representation of the local environment
Pages 265-301
Wai K. Yeap, Margaret E. Jefferies
Volume 108, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-357 (31 March 1999)
Functional dependencies in Horn theories
Pages 1-30
Toshihide Ibaraki, Alexander Kogan, Kazuhisa Makino
Linear-time algorithms for testing the realisability of line drawings of curved objects
Pages 31-67
Martin C. Cooper
On the complexity of qualitative spatial reasoning: A maximal tractable fragment of the Region Connection Calculus
Pages 69-123
Jochen Renz, Bernhard Nebel
Explanatory update theory: Applications of counterfactual reasoning to causation
Pages 125-178
Charles L. Ortiz Jr.
Heterogeneous active agents, I: Semantics
Pages 179-255
Thomas Eiter, V.S. Subrahmanian, George Pick
Heterogeneous active agents, II: Algorithms and complexity
Pages 257-307
Thomas Eiter, V.S. Subrahmanian
A foundational theory of belief and belief change
Pages 309-352
Alexander Bochman
Volume 109, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-362 (4 June 1999)
Modal logics, description logics and arithmetic reasoning
Pages 1-31
Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, Jana Koehler
iCTRL: Intensional conformal text representation language
Pages 33-70
Gábor Rédey
A directly cautious theory of defeasible consequence for default logic via the notion of general extension
Pages 71-109
G.Aldo Antonelli
Using regression-match graphs to control search in planning
Pages 111-159
Drew McDermott
Non-uniform time sharing in the concurrent execution of constraint solving
Pages 161-185
Richard Krajčoviech, Margaréta Kotočová
Representation of propositional expert systems as partial functions
Pages 187-209
Robert M. Colomb
Learning by discovering concept hierarchies
Pages 211-242
Blaž Zupan, Marko Bohanec, Janez Demšar, Ivan Bratko
Constraint satisfaction over connected row-convex constraints
Pages 243-271
Yves Deville, Olivier Barette, Pascal Van Hentenryck
Computational complexity of relating time points with intervals
Pages 273-295
Peter Jonsson, Thomas Drakengren, Christer Bäckström
Preferred answer sets for extended logic programs
Pages 297-356
Gerhard Brewka, Thomas Eiter
Volume 110, Issue 1, Pages 1-188 (May 1999)
Emergent cooperative goal-satisfaction in large-scale automated-agent systems
Pages 1-55
Onn Shehory, Sarit Kraus, Osher Yadgar
Computing intersections of Horn theories for reasoning with models
Pages 57-101
Thomas Eiter, Toshihide Ibaraki, Kazuhisa Makino
Statics and dynamics of induced systems
Pages 103-134
Michael Freund
Diagnosis of large active systems
Pages 135-183
P. Baroni, G. Lamperti, P. Pogliano, M. Zanella
Volume 110, Issue 2, Pages 189-343 (June 1999)
RoboCup: Today and tomorrow—What we have learned
Pages 193-214
Minoru Asada, Hiroaki Kitano, Itsuki Noda, Manuela Veloso
Building agent teams using an explicit teamwork model and learning
Pages 215-239
Milind Tambe, Jafar Adibi, Yaser Al-Onaizan, Ali Erdem, Gal A. Kaminka, Stacy C. Marsella, Ion Muslea
Task decomposition, dynamic role assignment, and low-bandwidth communication for real-time strategic teamwork
Pages 241-273
Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso
Cooperative behavior acquisition for mobile robots in dynamically changing real worlds via vision-based reinforcement learning and development
Pages 275-292
Minoru Asada, Eiji Uchibe, Koh Hosoda
Cooperation without deliberation: A minimal behavior-based approach to multi-robot teams
Pages 293-320
Barry Brian Werger
Volume 111, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-346 (July 1999)
Three new publication categories for the Artificial Intelligence Journal
Pages 1-2
A.G. Cohn, Donald R. Perlis
Model-based diagnosis of hardware designs
Pages 3-39
Gerhard Friedrich, Markus Stumptner, Franz Wotawa
Algorithms for selective enumeration of prime implicants
Pages 41-72
Luigi Palopoli, Fiora Pirri, Clara Pizzuti
A commonsense language for reasoning about causation and rational action
Pages 73-130
Charles L. Ortiz Jr.
Jumping to explanations versus jumping to conclusions
Pages 131-169
Ramón Pino-Pérez, Carlos Uzcátegui
Reasoning about noisy sensors and effectors in the situation calculus
Pages 171-208
Fahiem Bacchus, Joseph Y. Halpern, Hector J. Levesque
Coalition structure generation with worst case guarantees
Pages 209-238
Tuomas Sandholm, Kate Larson, Martin Andersson, Onn Shehory, Fernando Tohmé
Qualitative circuit models in failure analysis reasoning
Pages 239-276
M.H. Lee
Volume 112, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-264 (August 1999)
Introspective multistrategy learning: On the construction of learning strategies
Pages 1-55
Michael T. Cox, Ashwin Ram
Enhancing model checking in verification by AI techniques
Pages 57-104
Francesco Buccafurri, Thomas Eiter, Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone
Computing with default logic
Pages 105-146
Pawe Cholewiński, Victor W. Marek, Mirosaw Truszczyński, Artur Mikitiuk
Understanding mechanical motion: From images to behaviors
Pages 147-179
Tzachi Dar, Leo Joskowicz, Ehud Rivlin
Between MDPs and semi-MDPs: A framework for temporal abstraction in reinforcement learning
Pages 181-211
Richard S. Sutton, Doina Precup, Satinder Singh
Towards a characterisation of the behaviour of stochastic local search algorithms for SAT
Pages 213-232
Holger H. Hoos, Thomas Stützle
Computation of the semantics of autoepistemic belief theories
Pages 233-250
Stefan Brass, Jürgen Dix, Teodor C. Przymusinski
Volume 113, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-300 (September 1999)
A logical approach to the dynamics of commitments
Pages 1-40
J.-J.Ch. Meyer, W. van der Hoek, B. van Linder
Bucket elimination: A unifying framework for reasoning
Pages 41-85
Rina Dechter
A logic of universal causation
Pages 87-123
Hudson Turner
Learning action strategies for planning domains
Pages 125-148
Roni Khardon
Topological inference of teleology: Deriving function from structure via evidential reasoning
Pages 149-202
John Otis Everett
Lazy propagation: A junction tree inference algorithm based on lazy evaluation
Pages 203-245
Anders L. Madsen, Finn V. Jensen
Compiling defeasible inheritance networks to general logic programs
Pages 247-268
Jia-Huai You, Xianchang Wang, Li Yan Yuan
Diverse confidence levels in a probabilistic semantics for conditional logics
Pages 269-279
Paul Snow
Paul R. Cohen’s Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence
Pages 281-284
Dennis Kibler
Paul R. Cohen’s Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence
Pages 285-290
Ian P. Gent, Toby Walsh
Volume 114, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-354 (October 1999)
Experiences with an interactive museum tour-guide robot
Pages 3-55
Wolfram Burgard, Armin B. Cremers, Dieter Fox, Dirk Hähnel, Gerhard Lakemeyer, Dirk Schulz, Walter Steiner, Sebastian Thrun
Smart office robot collaboration based on multi-agent programming
Pages 57-94
F. Mizoguchi, H. Nishiyama, H. Ohwada, H. Hiraishi
An affective mobile robot educator with a full-time job
Pages 95-124
Illah R. Nourbakhsh, Judith Bobenage, Sebastien Grange, Ron Lutz, Roland Meyer, Alvaro Soto
A non-rigid registration algorithm for dynamic breast MR images
Pages 125-156
Paul M. Hayton, Michael Brady, Stephen M. Smith, Niall Moore
Model-based computing: Developing flexible machine control software
Pages 157-202
Markus P.J. Fromherz, Vijay A. Saraswat, Daniel G. Bobrow
“Reducing” classic to practice: Knowledge representation theory meets reality
Pages 203-237
Ronald J Brachman, Deborah L McGuinness, Peter F Patel-Schneider, Alex Borgida
Automating planning and scheduling of shuttle payload operations
Pages 239-255
S. Chien, G. Rabideau, J. Willis, T. Mann
Information retrieval and artificial intelligence
Pages 257-281
Karen Sparck Jones
Inductive Logic Programming: Issues, results and the challenge of Learning Language in Logic
Pages 283-296
Stephen Muggleton
CyclePad: An articulate virtual laboratory for engineering thermodynamics
Pages 297-347
Kenneth D. Forbus, Peter B. Whalley, John O. Everett, Leo Ureel, Mike Brokowski, Julie Baher, Sven E. Kuehne
Volume 115, Issue 1, Pages 1-142 (November 1999)
Reasoning about action in polynomial time
Pages 1-24
Thomas Drakengren, Marcus Bjäreland
The size of a revised knowledge base
Pages 25-64
Marco Cadoli, Francesco M. Donini, Paolo Liberatore, Marco Schaerf
Knowledge-based proof planning
Pages 65-105
Erica Melis, Jörg Siekmann
Propositional belief base update and minimal change
Pages 107-138
Andreas Herzig, Omar Rifi
Volume 115, Issue 2, Pages 143-294 (December 1999)
Comparative envisionment construction: A technique for the comparative analysis of dynamical systems
Pages 145-214
Hidde de Jong, Frank van Raalte
Using Grice’s maxim of Quantity to select the content of plan descriptions
Pages 215-256
R.Michael Young
Compiling constraint satisfaction problems
Pages 257-287
Rainer Weigel, Boi Faltings
Volume 116, Issues 1–2, Pages AD1-AD2, 1-330 (January 2000)
Unsupervised stratification of cross-validation for accuracy estimation
Pages 1-16
N.A. Diamantidis, D. Karlis, E.A. Giakoumakis
Proving theorems by reuse
Pages 17-66
Christoph Walther, Thomas Kolbe
Think!: A unified numerical–symbolic knowledge representation scheme and reasoning system
Pages 67-85
Christian Vilhelm, Pierre Ravaux, Daniel Calvelo, Alexandre Jaborska, … Michel Boniface
Integrating actions and state constraints: A closed-form solution to the ramification problem (sometimes)
Pages 87-121
Sheila A. McIlraith
Using temporal logics to express search control knowledge for planning
Pages 123-191
Fahiem Bacchus, Froduald Kabanza
On the decidability and complexity of reasoning about only knowing
Pages 193-215
Riccardo Rosati
A modal logic for subjective default reasoning
Pages 217-236
Shai Ben-David, Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary
A foundationalist view of the AGM theory of belief change
Pages 237-263
Alexander Bochman
Conformality in the self-organization network
Pages 265-286
Cheng-Yuan Liou, Wen-Pin Tai
Tractable approximations for temporal constraint handling
Pages 287-295
Robin Hirsch
On some tractable classes in deduction and abduction
Pages 297-313
Alvaro del Val
On the complexity of choosing the branching literal in DPLL
Pages 315-326
Paolo Liberatore
Volume 117, Issue 1, Pages 1-172 (February 2000)
Towards efficient universal planning: A randomized approach
Pages 1-29
Peter Jonsson, Patrik Haslum, Christer Bäckström
Dynamic problem structure analysis as a basis for constraint-directed scheduling heuristics
Pages 31-81
J.Christopher Beck, Mark S. Fox
Conditional logic and the Principle of Entropy
Pages 83-106
Wilhelm Rödder
Heterogeneous active agents, III: Polynomially implementable agents
Pages 107-167
Thomas Eiter, V.S. Subrahmanian, T.J. Rogers
Volume 118, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-300 (April 2000)
Intelligent Internet systems
Pages 1-14
Alon Y. Levy, Daniel S. Weld
Wrapper induction: Efficiency and expressiveness
Pages 15-68
Nicholas Kushmerick
Learning to construct knowledge bases from the World Wide Web
Pages 69-113
Mark Craven, Dan DiPasquo, Dayne Freitag, Andrew McCallum, … Seán Slattery
Flexible and scalable cost-based query planning in mediators: A transformational approach
Pages 115-161
José Luis Ambite, Craig A. Knoblock
WHIRL: A word-based information representation language
Pages 163-196
William W. Cohen
BIG: An agent for resource-bounded information gathering and decision making
Pages 197-244
Victor Lesser, Bryan Horling, Frank Klassner, Anita Raja, … Shelley XQ. Zhang
Towards adaptive Web sites: Conceptual framework and case study
Pages 245-275
Mike Perkowitz, Oren Etzioni
Viewing morphology as an inference process
Pages 277-294Robert Krovetz
Volume 119, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-304 (May 2000)
Semantical and computational aspects of Horn approximations
Pages 1-17
Marco Cadoli, Francesco Scarcello
Qualitative rigid-body mechanics
Pages 19-60
Thomas F. Stahovich, Randall Davis, Howard Shrobe
Choosing social laws for multi-agent systems: Minimality and simplicity
Pages 61-101
David Fitoussi, Moshe Tennenholtz
Semi-quantitative system identification
Pages 103-140
Herbert Kay, Bernhard Rinner, Benjamin Kuipers
The complexity of belief update
Pages 141-190
Paolo Liberatore
The Spatial Semantic Hierarchy
Pages 191-233
Benjamin Kuipers
Linear constraints for the interpretation of line drawings of curved objects
Pages 235-258
Martin C. Cooper
Note about cardinality-based circumscription
Pages 259-273
Yves Moinard
Nature’s way of optimizing
Pages 275-286
Stefan Boettcher, Allon Percus
J.A. Anderson and E. Rosenfeld (Eds.), Talking Nets: An Oral History of Neural Networks
Pages 287-293
Noel E. Sharkey
Gossiping Nets
Pages 295-299
Rolf P. Würtz
Volume 120, Issue 1, Pages 1-164 (June 2000)
Abductive reasoning through filtering
Pages 1-28
Chitta Baral
Optimal auctions revisited
Pages 29-42
Dov Monderer, Moshe Tennenholtz
Bounding the cost of learned rules
Pages 43-80
Jihie Kim, Paul S. Rosenbloom
Backtracking algorithms for disjunctions of temporal constraints
Pages 81-117
Kostas Stergiou, Manolis Koubarakis
A computational model of belief
Pages 119-160
Aaron N. Kaplan, Lenhart K. Schubert
Volume 120, Issue 2, Pages 165-294 (July 2000)
Internal reinforcement in a connectionist genetic programming approach
Pages 165-198
Astro Teller, Manuela Veloso
Credal networks
Pages 199-233
Fabio G. Cozman
Computer chess move-ordering schemes using move influence
Pages 235-250
Kieran Greer
Extending abstract argumentation systems theory
Pages 251-270
A.P. Baroni, M. Giacomin, G. Guida
Volume 121, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-276 (August 2000)
Applying MDL to learn best model granularity
Pages 1-29
Qiong Gao, Ming Li, Paul Vitányi
A near-optimal polynomial time algorithm for learning in certain classes of stochastic games
Pages 31-47
Ronen I. Brafman, Moshe Tennenholtz
Stochastic dynamic programming with factored representations
Pages 49-107
Craig Boutilier, Richard Dearden, Moisés Goldszmidt
ConGolog, a concurrent programming language based on the situation calculus
Pages 109-169
Giuseppe De Giacomo, Yves Lespérance, Hector J. Levesque
A comprehensive methodology for building hybrid models of physical systems
Pages 171-209
Pieter J. Mosterman, Gautam Biswas
Constraint-directed techniques for scheduling alternative activities
Pages 211-250
J.Christopher Beck, Mark S. Fox
A glimpse at the metaphysics of Bongard problems
Pages 251-270
Alexandre Linhares
Volume 122, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-276 (September 2000)
Belief functions and default reasoning
Pages 1-69
A.S. Benferhat, A. Saffiotti, P. Smets
Bounded-parameter Markov decision processes
Pages 71-109
Robert Givan, Sonia Leach, Thomas Dean
Boolean connection algebras: A new approach to the Region-Connection Calculus
Pages 111-136
J.G. Stell
A new approach to cyclic ordering of 2D orientations using ternary relation algebras
Pages 137-187
Amar Isli, Anthony G. Cohn
Constraint propagation techniques for the disjunctive scheduling problem
Pages 189-240
Ulrich Dorndorf, Erwin Pesch, Toàn Phan-Huy
Computational complexity of planning and approximate planning in the presence of incompleteness
Pages 241-267
Chitta Baral, Vladik Kreinovich, Raúl Trejo
Volume 123, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-280 (October 2000)
A Lagrangian reconstruction of GENET
Pages 1-39
Kenneth M.F. Choi, Jimmy H.M. Lee, Peter J. Stuckey
Expressing preferences in default logic
Pages 41-87
James P. Delgrande, Torsten Schaub
Understanding dynamic scenes
Pages 89-132
A.A. Chella, M. Frixione, S. Gaglio
Decomposable constraints☆
Pages 133-156
Ian Gent, Kostas Stergiou, Toby Walsh
Feature Subset Selection by Bayesian network-based optimization
Pages 157-184
I. Inza, P. Larrañaga, R. Etxeberria, B. Sierra
Prioritized logic programming and its application to commonsense reasoning
Pages 185-222
Chiaki Sakama, Katsumi Inoue
Querying temporal and spatial constraint networks in PTIME
Pages 223-263
Manolis Koubarakis, Spiros Skiadopoulos
Volume 124, Issue 1, Pages 1-168 (November 2000)
An efficient algorithm for searching implicit AND/OR graphs with cycles
Pages 1-30
A.P. Jiménez, C. Torras
Alternative foundations for Reiter’s default logic
Pages 31-86
Thomas Linke, Torsten Schaub
EXPtime tableaux for ALC
Pages 87-138
Francesco M. Donini, Fabio Massacci
Sketch-based pruning of a solution space within a formal geometric constraint solver
Pages 139-159
C. Essert-Villard, P. Schreck, J.-F. Dufourd
Volume 124, Issue 2, Pages 169-293 (December 2000)
Default reasoning from conditional knowledge bases: Complexity and tractable cases
Pages 169-241
Thomas Eiter, Thomas Lukasiewicz
A comparison of structural CSP decomposition methods
Pages 243-282
Georg Gottlob, Nicola Leone, Francesco Scarcello
The complexity of approximating MAPs for belief networks with bounded probabilities
Pages 283-288
Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Sandra M. Hedetniemi
Volume 125, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-251 (January 2001)
A sufficiently fast algorithm for finding close to optimal clique trees
Pages 3-17
Ann Becker, Dan Geiger
Formalizing sensing actions— A transition function based approach
Pages 19-91
Tran Cao Son, Chitta Baral
Topological parameters for time-space tradeoff
Pages 93-118
Rina Dechter, Yousri El Fattah
Blocks World revisited
Pages 119-153
John Slaney, Sylvie Thiébaux
Symbolic knowledge extraction from trained neural networks: A sound approach
Pages 155-207
A.S d’Avila Garcez, K Broda, D.M Gabbay
Robust Bayes classifiers
Pages 209-226
Marco Ramoni, Paola Sebastiani
Volume 126, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-202 (February 2001)
Computational tradeoffs under bounded resources
Pages 1-4
Eric Horvitz, Shlomo Zilberstein
Recursive conditioning
Pages 5-41
Adnan Darwiche
Algorithm portfolios
Pages 43-62
Carla P. Gomes, Bart Selman
Optimal schedules for monitoring anytime algorithms
Pages 63-108
Lev Finkelstein, Shaul Markovitch
Iterative state-space reduction for flexible computation
Pages 109-138
Weixiong Zhang
Monitoring and control of anytime algorithms: A dynamic programming approach
Pages 139-157
Eric A. Hansen, Shlomo Zilberstein
Principles and applications of continual computation
Pages 159-196
Eric Horvitz
Volume 127, Issue 1, Pages 1-168 (March 2001)
Diagnosing tree-structured systems☆
Pages 1-29
Markus Stumptner, Franz Wotawa
Topological recognition of polyhedral objects from multiple views
Pages 31-55
Aldo Laurentini
Drift analysis and average time complexity of evolutionary algorithms
Pages 57-85
Jun He, Xin Yao
Temporal agent programs
Pages 87-135
Jürgen Dix, Sarit Kraus, V.S. Subrahmanian
Min-max Computation Tree Logic
Pages 137-162
Pallab Dasgupta, P.P. Chakrabarti, Jatindra Kumar Deka, Sriram Sankaranarayanan
Volume 127, Issue 2, Pages 169-278 (April 2001)
Least third-order cumulant method with adaptive regularization parameter selection for neural networks
Pages 169-197
Chi-Tat Leung, Tommy W.S. Chow
Evaluating new options in the context of existing plans
Pages 199-220
John F. Horty, Martha E. Pollack
Local Models Semantics, or contextual reasoning=locality+compatibility☆
Pages 221-259
Chiara Ghidini, Fausto Giunchiglia
Volume 128, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-252 (May 2001)
From binary temporal relations to non-binary ones and back☆
Pages 1-29
Steffen Staab
Learning logic programs with structured background knowledge☆
Pages 31-97
Tamás Horváth, György Turán
Robust Monte Carlo localization for mobile robots
Pages 99-141
Sebastian Thrun, Dieter Fox, Wolfram Burgard, Frank Dellaert
On strongest necessary and weakest sufficient conditions☆
Pages 143-159
Fangzhen Lin
Nonmonotonic reasoning by inhibition nets☆
Pages 161-201
Hannes Leitgeb
A logic-based theory of deductive arguments☆
Pages 203-235
Philippe Besnard, Anthony Hunter
Volume 129, Issues 1–2
Planning as heuristic search
Pages 5-33
Blai Bonet, Héctor Geffner
LAO∗: A heuristic search algorithm that finds solutions with loops
Pages 35-62
Eric A. Hansen, Shlomo Zilberstein
Searching stochastically generated multi-abstraction-level design spaces
Pages 63-90
Louis Steinberg
A general scheme for automatic generation of search heuristics from specification dependencies
Pages 91-131
Kalev Kask, Rina Dechter
Exploiting symmetries within constraint satisfaction search
Pages 133-163
Pedro Meseguer, Carme Torras
Minimax real-time heuristic search
Pages 165-197
Sven Koenig
Time complexity of iterative-deepening
Pages 199-218
Richard E. Korf, Michael Reid, Stefan Edelkamp
Sokoban: Enhancing general single-agent search methods using domain knowledge
Pages 219-251
Andreas Junghanns, Jonathan Schaeffer
The PN∗-search algorithm: Application to tsume-shogiOpen archive
Pages 253-277
Masahiro Seo, Hiroyuki Iida, Jos W.H.M. Uiterwijk
Partial order bounding: A new approach to evaluation in game tree search
Pages 279-311
Martin Müller
Volume 130, Issue 1, Pages 1-124 (July 2001)
The effect of mobility on minimaxing of game trees with random leaf values
Pages 1-26
Mark Levene, Trevor I. Fenner
Database semantics for natural language
Pages 27-74
Roland Hausser
Hybrid hardware for a highly parallel search in the context of learning classifiers
Pages 75-84
M. Bode, O. Freyd, J. Fischer, F.-J. Niedernostheide, H.-J. Schulze
Least commitment in Graphplan
Pages 85-118
Michel Cayrol, Pierre Régnier, Vincent Vidal
Volume 130, Issue 2, Pages 125-250 (August 2001)
Influence-based model decomposition for reasoning about spatially distributed physical systems
Pages 125-166
Chris Bailey-Kellogg, Feng Zhao
Robust combinatorial auction protocol against false-name bids
Pages 167-181
Makoto Yokoo, Yuko Sakurai, Shigeo Matsubara
Volume 131, Issues 1–2, Pages EX1-EX2, 1-230 (September 2001)
The Qualification Problem: A solution to the problem of anomalous models
Pages 1-37
Michael Thielscher
Evaluating general purpose automated theorem proving systems
Pages 39-54
Geoff Sutcliffe, Christian Suttner
Dynamic tunneling based regularization in feedforward neural networks
Pages 55-71
Y.P. Singh, Pinaki RoyChowdhury
Planning the project management way: Efficient planning by effective integration of causal and resource reasoning in RealPlan
Pages 73-134
Biplav Srivastava, Subbarao Kambhampati, Minh B. Do
A comparison of point-based approaches to qualitative temporal reasoning
Pages 135-170
James Delgrande, Arvind Gupta, Tim Van Allen
On functional dependencies in q-Horn theories
Pages 171-18
Toshihide Ibaraki, Alexander Kogan, Kazuhisa Makino
Volume 132, Issue 1, Pages 1-120 (October 2001)
Artificial nonmonotonic neural networks
Pages 1-38
A.B. Boutsinas, M.N. Vrahatis
Computer Go: An AI oriented survey
Pages 39-103
Bruno Bouzy, Tristan Cazenave
Determining if (FC-) (conflict-directed) backjumping visits a given node is NP-hard
Pages 105-117
Bernd S.W. Schröder
Volume 132, Issue 2, Pages EX1-EX2, 121-240 (November 2001)
Local search characteristics of incomplete SAT procedures
Pages 121-150
Dale Schuurmans, Finnegan Southey
Planning as constraint satisfaction: Solving the planning graph by compiling it into CSP
Pages 151-182
Minh Binh Do, Subbarao Kambhampati
Bargaining with limited computation: Deliberation equilibrium
Pages 183-217
Kate Larson, Tuomas Sandholm
Rough approximation quality revisited
Pages 219-234
Günther Gediga, Ivo Düntsch
Volume 133, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-288 (December 2001)
On decision-theoretic foundations for defaults
Pages 1-33
Ronen I. Brafman, Nir Friedman
An argument-based approach to reasoning with specificity
Pages 35-85
Phan Minh Dung, Tran Cao Son
The problem of survival from an algorithmic point of view
Pages 87-116
J.-D. Fouks, L. Signac
Recognition of gestures in Arabic sign language using neuro-fuzzy systems
Pages 117-138
Omar Al-Jarrah, Alaa Halawani
Reasoning about nonlinear system identification
Pages 139-188
Elizabeth Bradley, Matthew Easley, Reinhard Stolle
A general formulation of conceptual spaces as a meso level representation
Pages 189-232
Janet Aisbett, Greg Gibbon
Defeasible reasoning with variable degrees of justification
Pages 233-282
John L. Pollock
Volume 134, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-318 (January 2002)
Games, computers, and artificial intelligence
Pages 1-7
Jonathan Schaeffer, H.Jaap van den Herik
Disjoint pattern database heuristics
Pages 9-22
Richard E. Korf, Ariel Felner
A probabilistic approach to solving crossword puzzles
Pages 23-55
Michael L. Littman, Greg A. Keim, Noam Shazeer
Deep Blue
Pages 57-83
Murray Campbell, A.Joseph Hoane, Feng-hsiung Hsu
Improving heuristic mini-max search by supervised learning
Pages 85-99
Michael Buro
A hierarchical approach to computer Hex
Pages 101-120
Vadim V. Anshelevich
Computer shogi
Pages 121-144
Hiroyuki Iida, Makoto Sakuta, Jeff Rollason
Computer Go
Pages 145-179
Martin Müller
Programming backgammon using self-teaching neural nets
Pages 181-199
Gerald Tesauro
The challenge of poker
Pages 201-240
Darse Billings, Aaron Davidson, Jonathan Schaeffer, Duane Szafron
World-championship-caliber Scrabble
Pages 241-275
Brian Sheppard
Games solved: Now and in the future
Pages 277-311
H.Jaap van den Herik, Jos W.H.M. Uiterwijk, Jack van Rijswijck
Volume 135, Issues 1–2, Pages EX1-EX2, 1-238 (February 2002)
Algorithm for optimal winner determination in combinatorial auctions
Pages 1-54
Tuomas Sandholm
Skepticism and floating conclusions
Pages 55-72
John F. Horty
Planning graph as the basis for deriving heuristics for plan synthesis by state space and CSP search
Pages 73-123
XuanLong Nguyen, Subbarao Kambhampati, Romeo S. Nigenda
On the relationship between model-based debugging and program slicing
Pages 125-143
Franz Wotawa
Understanding metonymies in discourse
Pages 145-198
Katja Markert, Udo Hahn
Consistency restoration and explanations in dynamic CSPs—Application to configuration
Pages 199-234
Jérôme Amilhastre, Hélène Fargier, Pierre Marquis
Volume 136, Issue 1, Pages EX1-EX2, 1-146 (March 2002)
Intelligent analysis and pattern recognition in cardiotocographic signals using a tightly coupled hybrid system
Pages 1-27
Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, Oscar Fontenla-Romero
Global qualitative description of a class of nonlinear dynamical systems
Pages 29-59
Olivier Bernard, Jean-Luc Gouzé
Quantum logic, Hilbert space, revision theory
Pages 61-100
Kurt Engesser, Dov M. Gabbay
Multi-agent oriented constraint satisfaction
Pages 101-144
Jiming Liu, Han Jing, Y.Y. Tang
Volume 136, Issue 2, Pages 147-256 (April 2002)
Backjump-based backtracking for constraint satisfaction problems
Pages 147-188
Rina Dechter, Daniel Frost
Ordered binary decision diagrams as knowledge-bases
Pages 189-213
Takashi Horiyama, Toshihide Ibaraki
Multiagent learning using a variable learning rate
Pages 215-250
Michael Bowling, Manuela Veloso
Volume 137, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-280 (May 2002)
Combining topological and size information for spatial reasoning
Pages 1-42
Alfonso Gerevini, Jochen Renz
Learning Bayesian networks from data: An information-theory based approach
Pages 43-90
Jie Cheng, Russell Greiner, Jonathan Kelly, David Bell, Weiru Liu
Diagnosis of discrete-event systems from uncertain temporal observations
Pages 91-163
Gianfranco Lamperti, Marina Zanella
Parallel Randomized Best-First Minimax Search
Pages 165-196
Yaron Shoham, Sivan Toledo
A re-weighting strategy for improving margins
Pages 197-216
Fabio Aiolli, Alessandro Sperduti
A hybrid graphical model for rhythmic parsing
Pages 217-238
Christopher Raphael
Ensembling neural networks: Many could be better than all
Pages 239-263
Zhi-Hua Zhou, Jianxin Wu, Wei Tang
Knowledge Representation and Logic Programming
Michael Gelfond, Nicola Leone
Volume 138, Issues 1–2, Pages EX1-EX2, 1-240 (June 2002)
Logic programming and knowledge representation—The A-Prolog perspective
Pages 3-38
Michael Gelfond, Nicola Leone
Answer set programming and plan generation
Pages 39-54
Vladimir Lifschitz
Fixed-parameter complexity in AI and nonmonotonic reasoning
Pages 55-86
Georg Gottlob, Francesco Scarcello, Martha Sideri
LUPS—A language for updating logic programs
Pages 87-116
José Júlio Alferes, Luı́s Moniz Pereira, Halina Przymusinska, Teodor C. Przymusinski
Preference Logic Grammars: Fixed point semantics and application to data standardization
Pages 117-147
Baoqiu Cui, Terrance Swift
Annotated revision programs
Pages 149-180
Victor Marek, Inna Pivkina, Mirosław Truszczyński
Extending and implementing the stable model semantics
Pages 181-234
Patrik Simons, Ilkka Niemelä, Timo Soininen
Volume 139, Issue 1, Pages 1-136 (July 2002)
Yet some more complexity results for default logic
Pages 1-20
Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary
Local search with constraint propagation and conflict-based heuristics
Pages 21-45
Narendra Jussien, Olivier Lhomme
Clausal resolution in a logic of rational agency
Pages 47-89
Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher, Alexander Bolotov
Summarization beyond sentence extraction: A probabilistic approach to sentence compression
Pages 91-107
Kevin Knight, Daniel Marcu
Accelerating filtering techniques for numeric CSPs
Pages 109-132
Yahia Lebbah, Olivier Lhomme
Volume 139, Issue 2, Pages 137-274 (August 2002)
Learning cost-sensitive active classifiers
Pages 137-174
Russell Greiner, Adam J. Grove, Dan Roth
Abstracting soft constraints: Framework, properties, examples
Pages 175-211
Stefano Bistarelli, Philippe Codognet, Francesca Rossi
Narrative prose generation
Pages 213-252
Charles B. Callaway, James C. Lester
Lattice-theoretic models of conjectures, hypotheses and consequences
Pages 253-267
Mingsheng Ying, Huaiqing Wang
Volume 140, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-266 (September 2002)
Binary vs. non-binary constraints☆
Pages 1-37
Fahiem Bacchus, Xinguang Chen, Peter van Beek, Toby Walsh
On point-duration networks for temporal reasoning
Pages 39-70
I. Navarrete, A. Sattar, R. Wetprasit, R. Marin
Nagging: A scalable fault-tolerant paradigm for distributed search
Pages 71-106
Alberto Maria Segre, Sean Forman, Giovanni Resta, Andrew Wildenberg
Solving multi-granularity temporal constraint networks
Pages 107-152
Claudio Bettini, X.Sean Wang, Sushil Jajodia
Disjunctions, independence, refinements
Pages 153-173
Mathias Broxvall, Peter Jonsson, Jochen Renz
Abduction in logic programming: A new definition and an abductive procedure based on rewriting
Pages 175-205
Fangzhen Lin, Jia-Huai You
Context-specific sign-propagation in qualitative probabilistic networks
Pages 207-230
Silja Renooij, Linda C. van der Gaag, Simon Parsons
Tractable combinatorial auctions and b-matching
Pages 231-243
Moshe Tennenholtz
Volume 141, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-228 (October 2002)
Explanations, belief revision and defeasible reasoning
Pages 1-28
Marcelo A. Falappa, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Guillermo R. Simari
Using genetic programming to learn and improve control knowledge
Pages 29-56
Ricardo Aler, Daniel Borrajo, Pedro Isasi
On the computational complexity of assumption-based argumentation for default reasoning
Pages 57-78
Yannis Dimopoulos, Bernhard Nebel, Francesca Toni
Conditional independence in propositional logic
Pages 79-121
Jérôme Lang, Paolo Liberatore, Pierre Marquis
Unifying metric approach to the triple parity
Pages 123-135
Tony Y.T. Chan
The size distribution for Markov equivalence classes of acyclic digraph models
Pages 137-155
Steven B. Gillispie, Michael D. Perlman
The consensus operator for combining beliefs
Pages 157-170
Audun Jøsang
Emergence of social conventions in complex networks
Pages 171-185
Jordi Delgado
Coherence in finite argument systems
Pages 187-203
Paul E. Dunne, T.J.M. Bench-Capon
On forward checking for non-binary constraint satisfaction
Pages 205-224
Christian Bessière, Pedro Meseguer, Eugene C. Freuder, Javier Larrosa
Volume 142, Issue 1, Pages EX1-EX2, 1-94 (November 2002)
An information-based neural approach to generic constraint satisfaction
Pages 1-17
Henrik Jönsson, Bo Söderberg
Process algebras for systems diagnosis
Pages 19-51
Luca Console, Claudia Picardi, Marina Ribaudo
Complexity results for structure-based causality
Pages 53-89
Thomas Eiter, Thomas Lukasiewicz
International Conference on MultiAgent Systems 2000
A.E. Durfee, S. Kraus, H. Nakashima and M. Tambe
Volume 142, Issue 2, Pages 95-290 (December 2002), Pages 95-97
Multiagent control of self-reconfigurable robots
Pages 99-120
Hristo Bojinov, Arancha Casal, Tad Hogg
Plan coordination by revision in collective agent based systems
Pages 121-145
Hans Tonino, André Bos, Mathijs de Weerdt, Cees Witteveen
The influence of social norms and social consciousness on intention reconciliation
Pages 147-177
Barbara J. Grosz, Sarit Kraus, David G. Sullivan, Sanmay Das
Believing others: Pros and cons
Pages 179-203
Sandip Sen
Using similarity criteria to make issue trade-offs in automated negotiations
Pages 205-237
A.P. Faratin, C. Sierra, N.R. Jennings
Surplus equivalence of leveled commitment contracts
Pages 239-264
Tuomas Sandholm, Yunhong Zhou
Defection-free exchange mechanisms based on an entry fee imposition
Pages 265-286
Shigeo Matsubara, Makoto Yokoo
Volume 143, Issue 1, Pages 1-150 (January 2003)
On the evaluation of agent behaviors
Amol Dattatraya Mali
Pages 1-17
Approximate inference in Boltzmann machines
Max Welling, Yee Whye Teh
Pages 19-50
Converting numerical classification into text classification
Sofus A. Macskassy, Haym Hirsh, Arunava Banerjee, Aynur A. Dayanik
Pages 51-77
Uniform semantic treatment of default and autoepistemic logics
Marc Denecker, Victor W. Marek, Mirosław Truszczyński
Pages 79-122
Maximum likelihood bounded tree-width Markov networks
Nathan Srebro
Pages 123-138
Three perspectives of data mining
Zhi-Hua Zhou
Pages 139-146
Volume 143, Issue 2 Pages 151-268 (February 2003)
Algorithms for propagating resource constraints in AI planning and scheduling: Existing approaches and new results
Philippe Laborie
Pages 151-188
Problem difficulty for tabu search in job-shop scheduling
Jean-Paul Watson, J.Christopher Beck, Adele E. Howe, L.Darrell Whitley
Pages 189-217
Complexity results for standard benchmark domains in planning
Malte Helmert
Pages 219-262
Volume 144, Issues 1–2 Pages 1-270 (March 2003)
Knowledge, action, and the frame problem
Richard B. Scherl, Hector J. Levesque
Pages 1-39
Lessons from a failure: Generating tailored smoking cessation letters
Ehud Reiter, Roma Robertson, Liesl M. Osman
Pages 41-58
A relevance restriction strategy for automated deduction
David A Plaisted, Adnan Yahya
Pages 59-93
Qualitative simulation of temporal concurrent processes using Time Interval
Petri Nets Vadim Bulitko, David C. Wilkins
Pages 95-124
On market-inspired approaches to propositional satisfiability
William E Walsh, Makoto Yokoo, Katsutoshi Hirayama, Michael P Wellman
Pages 125-156
A logic programming approach to knowledge-state planning, II: The DLVK system
Thomas Eiter, Wolfgang Faber, Nicola Leone, Gerald Pfeifer, Axel Polleres
Pages 157-211
Robustness of regional matching scheme over global matching scheme
Liang Chen, Naoyuki Tokuda
Pages 213-232
Evaluating the effect of semi-normality on the expressiveness of defaults
Tomi Janhunen
Pages 233-250
Developing reproducible and comprehensible computational models
Peter C.R. Lane, Fernand Gobet
Pages 251-263
Volume 145, Issues 1–2 Pages 1-258 (April 2003)
Multiobjective heuristic state-space planning
Ioannis Refanidis, Ioannis Vlahavas
Pages 1-32
BOB: Improved winner determination in combinatorial auctions and generalizations
Tuomas Sandholm, Subhash Suri
Pages 33-58
Towards an analytic framework for analysing the computation time of evolutionary algorithms
Jun He, Xin Yao
Pages 59-97
Backjumping for Quantified Boolean Logic satisfiability
Enrico Giunchiglia, Massimo Narizzano, Armando Tacchella
Pages 99-120
Region Connection Calculus: Its models and composition table
Sanjiang Li, Mingsheng Ying
Pages 121-146
Multiple agent-based autonomy for satellite constellations
Thomas Schetter, Mark Campbell, Derek Surka
Pages 147-180
Diagram processing: Computing with diagrams
Michael Anderson, Robert McCartney
Pages 181-226
Establishing motion correspondence using extended temporal scope
C.J. Veenman, M.J.T. Reinders, E. Backer
Pages 227-243
Volume 146, Issue 1, Pages 1-128 (May 2003)
Controlling the learning process of real-time heuristic search
Masashi Shimbo, Toru Ishida
Pages 1-41
Hybrid backtracking bounded by tree-decomposition of constraint networks
Philippe Jégou, Cyril Terrioux
Pages 43-75
Object-based visual attention for computer vision
Yaoru Sun, Robert Fisher
Pages 77-123
Volume 146, Issue 2 Pages 129-236 (June 2003)
Discovering simple rules in complex data: A meta-learning algorithm and some surprising musical discoveries
Gerhard Widmer
Pages 129-148
Similarity of personal preferences: Theoretical foundations and empirical analysis
Vu Ha, Peter Haddawy
Pages 149-173
The complexity of achievement and maintenance problems in agent-based systems
Iain A. Stewart
Pages 175-191
Dynamic belief revision operators
Abhaya C. Nayak, Maurice Pagnucco, Pavlos Peppas
Pages 193-228
Volume 147, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-288 (July 2003)
Special Issue: Planning with Uncertainty and Incomplete Information
Guest Editors: C. Boutilier, T. Dean and S. Koenig
On the undecidability of probabilistic planning and related stochastic optimization problems
Omid Madani, Steve Hanks, Anne Condon
Pages 5-34
Weak, strong, and strong cyclic planning via symbolic model checking
A. Cimatti, M. Pistore, M. Roveri, P. Traverso
Pages 35-84
SAT-based planning in complex domains: Concurrency, constraints and nondeterminism
Claudio Castellini, Enrico Giunchiglia, Armando Tacchella
Pages 85-117
Contingent planning under uncertainty via stochastic satisfiability
Stephen M. Majercik, Michael L. Littman
Pages 119-162
Equivalence notions and model minimization in Markov decision processes
Robert Givan, Thomas Dean, Matthew Greig
Pages 163-223
Solving factored MDPs using non-homogeneous partitions
Kee-Eung Kim, Thomas Dean
Pages 225-251
Performance bounds for planning in unknown terrain
Sven Koenig, Craig Tovey, Yuri Smirnov
Pages 253-279
Volume 148, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-424 (August 2003)
Special Issue: Fuzzy Set and Possibility Theory-Based Methods in Artificial Intelligence
Guest Editors: D. Dubois and H. Prade
Fuzzy rrDFCSP and planning
Ian Miguel, Qiang Shen
Pages 11-52
A fuzzy constraint based model for bilateral, multi-issue negotiations in semi-competitive environments
Xudong Luo, Nicholas R. Jennings, Nigel Shadbolt, Ho-fung Leung, Jimmy Ho-man Lee
Pages 53-102
Fuzzy constraint networks for signal pattern recognition
P. Félix, S. Barro, R. Marín
Pages 103-140
Representation and fusion of heterogeneous fuzzy information in the 3D space for model-based structural recognition—Application to 3D brain imaging
Isabelle Bloch, Thierry Géraud, Henri Maître
Pages 141-175
Agent-oriented epistemic reasoning: Subjective conditions of knowledge and belief
Daniel G. Schwartz
Pages 177-195
Testing the descriptive validity of possibility theory in human judgments of uncertainty
Eric Raufaste, Rui da Silva Neves, Claudette Mariné
Pages 197-218
Qualitative decision theory with preference relations and comparative uncertainty: An axiomatic approach
Didier Dubois, Hélène Fargier, Patrice Perny
Pages 219-260
Temporal scenario modelling and recognition based on possibilistic logic
Michel Grabisch
Pages 261-289
Logical representation and fusion of prioritized information based on guaranteed possibility measures: Application to the distance-based merging of classical bases
Salem Benferhat, Souhila Kaci
Pages 291-333
Possibilistic instance-based learning
Eyke Hüllermeier
Pages 335-383
Operations and evaluation measures for learning possibilistic graphical models
Christian Borgelt, Rudolf Kruse
Pages 385-418
Volume 149, Issue 1, Pages 1-160 (September 2003)
Preferences and explanations Ramón
Pino-Pérez, Carlos Uzcátegui
Pages 1-30
Belief, information acquisition, and trust in multi-agent systems—A modal logic formulation
Churn-Jung Liau
Pages 31-60
Metaqueries: Semantics, complexity, and efficient algorithms
Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary, Ehud Gudes, Giovambattista Ianni
Pages 61-87
Volume 149, Issue 2, Pages 161-272 (October 2003)
Nonmonotonic inconsistency
Charles B. Cross
Pages 161-178
Point algebras for temporal reasoning: Algorithms and complexity
Mathias Broxvall, Peter Jonsson
Pages 179-220
Two party immediate response disputes: Properties and efficiency
Paul E. Dunne, T.J.M. Bench-Capon
Pages 221-250
Sound and complete qualitative simulation is impossible
A.C.Cem Say, H.Levent Akın
Pages 251-266
Volume 150, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-346 (November 2003)
Special Issue: AI and Law
Guest Editors: E.L. Rissland, K.D. Ashley and R.P. Loui
A fruitful synergy
Edwina L. Rissland, Kevin D. Ashley, R.P. Loui
Pages 1-15
Law, learning and representation
Kevin D. Ashley, Edwina L. Rissland
Pages 17-58
A reduction-graph model of precedent in legal analysis
L.Karl Branting
Pages 59-95
A model of legal reasoning with cases incorporating theories and values
Trevor Bench-Capon, Giovanni Sartor
Pages 97-143
Extensionally defining principles and cases in ethics: An AI model
Bruce M. McLaren
Pages 145-181
Using background knowledge in case-based legal reasoning: A computational model and an intelligent learning environment
Vincent Aleven
Pages 183-237
Information extraction from case law and retrieval of prior cases
Peter Jackson, Khalid Al-Kofahi, Alex Tyrrell, Arun Vachher
Pages 239-290
Artificial argument assistants for defeasible argumentation
Bart Verheij
Pages 291-324
Volume 151, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-252 (December 2003)
A consistency-based approach for belief change
James P Delgrande, Torsten Schaub
Pages 1-41
Efficient solution techniques for disjunctive temporal reasoning problems
Ioannis Tsamardinos, Martha E Pollack
Pages 43-89
Reconstructing force-dynamic models from video sequences
Jeffrey Mark Siskind
Pages 91-154
Consistency-based search in feature selection
Manoranjan Dash, Huan Liu
Pages 155-176
Enhancing disjunctive logic programming systems by SAT checkers
Christoph Koch, Nicola Leone, Gerald Pfeifer
Pages 177-212
Complexity of probabilistic reasoning in directed-path singly-connected Bayes networks
Solomon E Shimony, Carmel Domshlak
Pages 213-225
Volume 152, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-142 (December 2004)
An agenda-based framework for multi-issue negotiation
Shaheen S. Fatima, Michael Wooldridge, Nicholas R. Jennings
Pages 1-45
Towards a general theory of topological maps
Emilio Remolina, Benjamin Kuipers
Pages 47-104
On the revision of preferences and rational inference processes
Michael Freund
Pages 105-137
Volume 152, Issue 2, Pages 143-280 (February 2004)
Composing cardinal direction relations
Spiros Skiadopoulos, Manolis Koubarakis
Pages 143-171
Basic theoretical results for expert systems. Application to the supervision of adaptation transients in planar robots M. De la Sen, J.J. Miñambres, A.J. Garrido, A. Almansa, J.C. Soto
Pages 173-211
Consistency-based diagnosis of configuration knowledge bases
Alexander Felfernig, Gerhard Friedrich, Dietmar Jannach, Markus Stumptner
Pages 213-234
Combining interval-based temporal reasoning with general TBoxes
Carsten Lutz
Pages 235-274
Volume 153, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-378 (March 2004) Special Issue: Logical Formalizations and Commonsense Reasoning.
Guest Editors: Ernest Davis and Leora Morgenstern
A unifying semantics for time and events
Brandon Bennett, Antony P. Galton
Pages 13-48
Nonmonotonic causal theories
Enrico Giunchiglia, Joohyung Lee, Vladimir Lifschitz, Norman McCain, Hudson Turner
Pages 49-104
Representing the Zoo World and the Traffic World in the language of the Causal Calculator
Varol Akman, Selim T. Erdoğan, Joohyung Lee, Vladimir Lifschitz, Hudson Turner
Pages 105-140
An attempt to formalise a non-trivial benchmark problem in common sense reasoning
Murray Shanahan
Pages 141-165
Logic-based subsumption architecture
Eyal Amir, Pedrito Maynard-Zhang
Pages 167-237
Elaboration tolerance through object-orientation
Joakim Gustafsson, Jonas Kvarnström
Pages 239-285
The representation of planning strategies
Andrew S. Gordon
Pages 287-305
Heuristic planning: A declarative approach based on strategies for action selection
Josefina Sierra-Santibáñez
Pages 307-337
Weakening conflicting information for iterated revision and knowledge integration
Salem Benferhat, Souhila Kaci, Daniel Le Berre, Mary-Anne Williams
Pages 339-371
Volume 154, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-232 (April 2004)
Optimizing the mutual intelligibility of linguistic agents in a shared world
Natalia Komarova, Partha Niyogi
Pages 1-42
Stable repeated strategies for information exchange between two autonomous agents
Rina Azoulay-Schwartz, Sarit Kraus
Pages 43-93
Incremental learning with partial instance memory
Marcus A. Maloof, Ryszard S. Michalski
Pages 95-126
Fast and optimal decoding for machine translation
Ulrich Germann, Michael Jahr, Kevin Knight, Daniel Marcu, Kenji Yamada
Pages 127-143
Complexity results for explanations in the structural-model approach
Thomas Eiter, Thomas Lukasiewicz
Pages 145-198
Arc consistency for soft constraints
Martin Cooper, Thomas Schiex
Pages 199-227
Volume 155, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-210 (May 2004)
A framework for linguistic modelling
Jonathan Lawry
Pages 1-39
Comparing formal theories of context in AI
Luciano Serafini, Paolo Bouquet
Pages 41-67
Cyclic consistency: A local reduction operation for binary valued constraints
Martin C. Cooper
Pages 69-92
Lifelong Planning A∗
Sven Koenig, Maxim Likhachev, David Furcy
Pages 93-146
Hierarchical model-based diagnosis based on structural abstraction
Luca Chittaro, Roberto Ranon
Pages 147-182
Average-case analysis of best-first search in two representative directed acyclic graphs
Anup K. Sen, Amitava Bagchi, Weixiong Zhang
Pages 183-206
Volume 156, Issue 1, Pages 1-114 (June 2004)
E-connections of abstract description systems
Oliver Kutz, Carsten Lutz, Frank Wolter, Michael Zakharyaschev
Pages 1-73
Reasoning with infinite stable models
Piero A. Bonatti
Pages 75-111
Volume 156, Issue 2, Pages 115-122 (July 2004)
Version spaces and the consistency problem
Haym Hirsh, Nina Mishra, Leonard Pitt
Pages 115-138
Theory revision with queries: Horn, read-once, and parity formulas
Judy Goldsmith, Robert H. Sloan, Balázs Szörényi, György Turán
Pages 139-176
The complexity of constraint satisfaction problems for small relation algebras
M. Cristani, R. Hirsch
Pages 177-196
A differential semantics for jointree algorithms
James D. Park, Adnan Darwiche
Pages 197-216
Volume 157, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-306 (August 2004)Special Issue: Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Guest Editors: Salem Benferhat and Enrico Giunchiglia
Revision by comparison
Eduardo Fermé, Hans Rott
Pages 5-47
DA2 merging operators
S Konieczny, J Lang, P Marquis
Pages 49-79
Compiling propositional weighted bases
Adnan Darwiche, Pierre Marquis
Pages 81-113
ASSAT: computing answer sets of a logic program by SAT solvers
Fangzhen Lin, Yuting Zhao
Pages 115-137
Combining probabilistic logic programming with the power of maximum entropy
Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Thomas Lukasiewicz
Pages 139-202
Qualitative choice logic
Gerhard Brewka, Salem Benferhat, Daniel Le Berre
Pages 203-237
Conditional logic of actions and causation
Laura Giordano, Camilla Schwind
Pages 239-279
A nonmonotonic observation logic
Frans Voorbraak
Pages 281-302
Volume 158, Issue 1, Pages 1-108 (September 2004)
Configuration landscape analysis and backbone guided local search.: Part I: Satisfiability and maximum satisfiability
Weixiong Zhang
Pages 1-26
On the computational complexity of qualitative coalitional games
Michael Wooldridge, Paul E Dunne
Pages 27-73
On the undecidability of logics with converse, nominals, recursion and counting
Piero A Bonatti, A Peron
Pages 75-96
The limitation of Bayesianism
Pei Wang
Pages 97-106
Volume 158, Issue 2, Pages 109-220 (October 2004)
Multi-modal diagnosis combining case-based and model-based reasoning: a formal and experimental analysis
Luigi Portinale, Diego Magro, Pietro Torasso
Pages 109-153
Order-sorted logic programming with predicate hierarchy
Ken Kaneiwa
Pages 155-188
Qualitatively faithful quantitative prediction
Dorian Šuc, Daniel Vladušič, Ivan Bratko
Pages 189-214
Volume 159, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-266 (November 2004)
Solving weighted CSP by maintaining arc consistency
Javier Larrosa, Thomas Schiex
Pages 1-26
Efficient learning equilibrium
Ronen I. Brafman, Moshe Tennenholtz
Pages 27-47
A selective sampling approach to active feature selection
Huan Liu, Hiroshi Motoda, Lei Yu
Pages 49-74
Updating beliefs with incomplete observations
Gert de Cooman, Marco Zaffalon
Pages 75-125
Conformant planning via symbolic model checking and heuristic search
A. Cimatti, M. Roveri, P. Bertoli
Pages 127-206
Great expectations. Part II: generalized expected utility as a universal decision rule
Francis C. Chu, Joseph Y. Halpern
Pages 207-229
Approximating cost-based abduction is NP-hard
Ashraf M. Abdelbar
Pages 231-239
Brain-actuated interaction
José del R. Millán, Frédéric Renkens, Josep Mouriño, Wulfram Gerstner
Pages 241-259
Volume 160, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-210 (December 2004)
Generalized Region Connection Calculus
Sanjiang Li, Mingsheng Ying
Pages 1-34
Complexity classification in qualitative temporal constraint reasoning
Peter Jonsson, Andrei Krokhin
Pages 35-51
Learning a decision maker’s utility function from (possibly) inconsistent behavior
Thomas D. Nielsen, Finn V. Jensen
Pages 53-78
Decidability of SHIQ with complex role inclusion axioms
Ian Horrocks, Ulrike Sattler
Pages 79-104
A causal approach to nonmonotonic reasoning
Alexander Bochman
Pages 105-143
A formal theory for reasoning about parthood, connection, and location
Maureen Donnelly
Pages 145-172
An incremental algorithm for DLO quantifier elimination via constraint propagation
Matti Nykänen
Pages 173-190
Volume 161, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-250 (January 2005) Special Issue: Distributed Constraint Satisfaction
Guest Editors: Boi Faltings and Makoto Yokoo
Asynchronous backtracking without adding links: a new member in the ABT family
Christian Bessière, Arnold Maestre, Ismel Brito, Pedro Meseguer
Pages 7-24
Asynchronous aggregation and consistency in distributed constraint satisfaction
Marius-Călin Silaghi, Boi Faltings
Pages 25-53
Distributed stochastic search and distributed breakout: properties, comparison and applications to constraint optimization problems in sensor networks
Weixiong Zhang, Guandong Wang, Zhao Xing, Lars Wittenburg
Pages 55-87
The distributed breakout algorithms
Katsutoshi Hirayama, Makoto Yokoo
Pages 89-115
Sensor networks and distributed CSP: communication, computation and complexity
Ramón Béjar, Carmel Domshlak, Cèsar Fernández, Carla Gomes, … Magda Valls
Pages 117-147
Adopt: asynchronous distributed constraint optimization with quality guarantees
Pragnesh Jay Modi, Wei-Min Shen, Milind Tambe, Makoto Yokoo
Pages 149-180
Open constraint programming
Boi Faltings, Santiago Macho-Gonzalez
Pages 181-208
Constraint-based reasoning and privacy/efficiency tradeoffs in multi-agent problem solving
Richard J. Wallace, Eugene C. Freuder
Pages 209-227
Secure distributed constraint satisfaction: reaching agreement without revealing private information
Makoto Yokoo, Koutarou Suzuki, Katsutoshi Hirayama
Pages 229-245
Volume 162, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-210 (February 2005) Special Issue: Reformulation
Guest Editors: Thomas Ellman, Fausto Giunchiglia
First order LUB approximations: characterization and algorithms
Alvaro del Val
Pages 7-48
Partition-based logical reasoning for first-order and propositional theories
Eyal Amir, Sheila McIlraith
Pages 49-88
Compiling problem specifications into SAT
Marco Cadoli, Andrea Schaerf
Pages 89-120
Task-dependent qualitative domain abstraction
M. Sachenbacher, P. Struss
Pages 121-143
Towards a practical theory of reformulation for reasoning about physical systems
Berthe Y. Choueiry, Yumi Iwasaki, Sheila McIlraith
Pages 145-204
Volume 163, Issue 1, Pages 1-138 (March 2005)
Knowledge transformation and fusion in diagnostic systems
Mingsheng Ying
Pages 1-45
A general stability analysis on regional and national voting schemes against noise—why is an electoral college more stable than a direct popular election?
Liang Chen, Naoyuki Tokuda
Pages 47-66
On the revision of probabilistic beliefs using uncertain evidence
Hei Chan, Adnan Darwiche
Pages 67-90
On the consistency of cardinal direction constraints
Spiros Skiadopoulos, Manolis Koubarakis
Pages 91-135
Volume 163, Issue 2, Pages 139-270 (April 2005)
Neural network ensembles: evaluation of aggregation algorithms
P.M. Granitto, P.F. Verdes, H.A. Ceccatto
Pages 139-162
A logic-based model of intention formation and action for multi-agent subcontracting
John Grant, Sarit Kraus, Donald Perlis
Pages 163-201
Redundancy in logic I: CNF propositional formulae
Paolo Liberatore
Pages 203-232
Bayesian network modelling through qualitative patterns
Peter J.F. Lucas
Pages 233-263
Volume 164, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-284 (May 2005)
A formal analysis of why heuristic functions work
B. John Oommen, Luis G. Rueda
Pages 1-22
The complexity of contract negotiation
Paul E. Dunne, Michael Wooldridge, Michael Laurence
Pages 23-46
MaxSolver: An efficient exact algorithm for (weighted) maximum satisfiability
Zhao Xing, Weixiong Zhang
Pages 47-80
On the logic of cooperation and propositional control
Wiebe van der Hoek, Michael Wooldridge
Pages 81-119
A formal framework for the decentralised diagnosis of large scale discrete event systems and its application to telecommunication networks
Yannick Pencolé, Marie-Odile Cordier
Pages 121-170
Understanding planning with incomplete information and sensing
Marcelo Oglietti
Pages 171-208
Knowledge updates: Semantics and complexity issues
Chitta Baral, Yan Zhang
Pages 209-243
Qualitative decision under uncertainty: back to expected utility
Hélène Fargier, Régis Sabbadin
Pages 245-280
Volume 165, Issue 1, Pages 1-136 (June 2005)
E-generalization using grammars
Jochen Burghardt
Pages 1-35
Automatic identification of music performers with learning ensembles
Efstathios Stamatatos, Gerhard Widmer
Pages 37-56
Automatic cinematography and multilingual NLG for generating video documentaries
Charles Callaway, Elena Not, Alessandra Novello, Cesare Rocchi, … Massimo Zancanaro
Pages 57-89
Unsupervised named-entity extraction from the Web: An experimental study
Oren Etzioni, Michael Cafarella, Doug Downey, Ana-Maria Popescu, … Alexander Yates
Pages 91-134
Volume 165, Issue 2, Pages 137-268 (July 2005)
Decision making on the sole basis of statistical likelihood
Phan H. Giang, Prakash P. Shenoy
Pages 137-163
An optimal coarse-grained arc consistency algorithm
Christian Bessière, Jean-Charles Régin, Roland H.C. Yap, Yuanlin Zhang
Pages 165-185
Self-stabilizing defeat status computation: dealing with conflict management in multi-agent systems
Pietro Baroni, Massimiliano Giacomin, Giovanni Guida
Pages 187-259
Volume 166, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-256 (August 2005)
Temporal prepositions and their logic
Ian Pratt-Hartmann
Pages 1-36
Incremental qualitative temporal reasoning: Algorithms for the Point Algebra and the ORD-Horn class
Alfonso Gerevini
Pages 37-80
Knowledge and communication: A first-order theory
Ernest Davis
Pages 81-139
Explorations in engagement for humans and robots
Candace L. Sidner, Christopher Lee, Cory D. Kidd, Neal Lesh, Charles Rich
Pages 140-164
Unifying tree decompositions for reasoning in graphical models
Kalev Kask, Rina Dechter, Javier Larrosa, Avi Dechter
Pages 165-193
Processes and continuous change in a SAT-based planner
Ji-Ae Shin, Ernest Davis
Pages 194-253
Volume 167, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-248 (September 2005) Special Issue: Connecting Language to the World
Guest Editors: Deb Roy, Ehud Reiter
Word sense disambiguation with pictures
Kobus Barnard, Matthew Johnson
Pages 13-30
Learning to talk about events from narrated video in a construction grammar framework
Peter Ford Dominey, Jean-David Boucher
Pages 31-61
Dynamically structuring, updating and interrelating representations of visual and linguistic discourse context
J. Kelleher, F. Costello, J. van Genabith
Pages 62-102
Protocols from perceptual observations
Chris J. Needham, Paulo E. Santos, Derek R. Magee, Vincent Devin, … Anthony G. Cohn
Pages 103-136
Choosing words in computer-generated weather forecasts
Ehud Reiter, Somayajulu Sripada, Jim Hunter, Jin Yu, Ian Davy
Pages 137-169
Semiotic schemas: A framework for grounding language in action and perception
Deb Roy
Pages 170-205
The emergence of compositional structures in perceptually grounded language games
Paul Vogt
Pages 206-242
Volume 168, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-214 (October 2005)
Weak AGM postulates and strong Ramsey Test: A logical formalization
Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi, Nicola Olivetti
Pages 1-37
In defense of PDDL axioms
Sylvie Thiébaux, Jörg Hoffmann, Bernhard Nebel
Pages 38-69
Reasoning on UML class diagrams
Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo
Pages 70-118
Weak nonmonotonic probabilistic logics
Thomas Lukasiewicz
Pages 119-161
SCC-recursiveness: a general schema for argumentation semantics
Pietro Baroni, Massimiliano Giacomin, Giovanni Guida
Pages 162-210
Volume 169, Issue 1, Pages 1-102 (November 2005)
An incremental algorithm for generating all minimal models
Rachel Ben-Eliyahu – Zohary
Pages 1-22
A theoretical framework on proactive information exchange in agent teamwork
Xiaocong Fan, John Yen, Richard A. Volz
Pages 23-97
Volume 170, Issue 1, Pages 1-58 (January 2006)
RCC8 binary constraint network can be consistently extended
Sanjiang Li, Huaiqing Wang
Pages 1-18
Finding optimal satisficing strategies for and-or trees
Russell Greiner, Ryan Hayward, Magdalena Jankowska, Michael Molloy
Pages 19-58
Volume 170, Issue 2, Pages 59-185 (February 2006)
Robot introspection through learned hidden Markov models
Maria Fox, Malik Ghallab, Guillaume Infantes, Derek Long
Pages 59-113
Dialectic proof procedures for assumption-based, admissible argumentation
P.M. Dung, R.A. Kowalski, F. Toni
Pages 114-159
Loop formulas for circumscription
Joohyung Lee, Fangzhen Lin
Pages 160-185
Volume 170, Issue 3, Pages 187-335 (March 2006)
Constraint partitioning in penalty formulations for solving temporal planning problems
Benjamin W. Wah, Yixin Chen
Pages 187-231
Flexible diagnosis of discrete-event systems by similarity-based reasoning techniques
Gianfranco Lamperti, Marina Zanella
Pages 232-297
Branching and pruning: An optimal temporal POCL planner based on constraint programming
Vincent Vidal, Héctor Geffner
Pages 298-335
Volume 170, Issues 4-5, Pages 337-506 (April 2006)
Strong planning under partial observability
Piergiorgio Bertoli, Alessandro Cimatti, Marco Roveri, Paolo Traverso
Pages 337-384
Breadth-first heuristic search
Rong Zhou, Eric A. Hansen
Pages 385-408
Discovering the linear writing order of a two-dimensional ancient hieroglyphic script
Shou de Lin, Kevin Knight
Pages 409-421
Decomposition of structural learning about directed acyclic graphs
Xianchao Xie, Zhi Geng, Qiang Zhao
Pages 422-439
Concurrent search for distributed CSPs
Roie Zivan, Amnon Meisels
Pages 440-461
Ranking functions and rankings on languages
Franz Huber
Pages 462-471
Experiment selection for the discrimination of semi-quantitative models of dynamical systems
Ivayla Vatcheva, Hidde de Jong, Olivier Bernard, Nicolaas J.I. Mars
Pages 472-506
Volume 170, Issues 6-7, Pages 507-652 (May 2006)
Conformant planning via heuristic forward search: A new approach
Jörg Hoffmann, Ronen I. Brafman
Pages 507-541
Causes and explanations in the structural-model approach: Tractable cases
Thomas Eiter, Thomas Lukasiewicz
Pages 542-580
Linguistic quantifiers modeled by Sugeno integrals
Mingsheng Ying
Pages 581-606
Complexity of constructing solutions in the core based on synergies among coalitions
Vincent Conitzer, Tuomas Sandholm
Pages 607-619
Is real-valued minimax pathological?
Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Ivan Bratko
Pages 620-642
Existential assertions and quantum levels on the tree of the situation calculus
Francesco Savelli
Pages 643-652
Volume 170, Issues 8-9, Pages 653-801 (June 2006)
On the incompatibility of faithfulness and monotone DAG faithfulness
David Maxwell Chickering, Christopher Meek
Pages 653-666
Rough intervals—enhancing intervals for qualitative modeling of technical systems
M. Rebolledo
Pages 667-685
Constraint-based optimization and utility elicitation using the minimax decision criterion
Craig Boutilier, Relu Patrascu, Pascal Poupart, Dale Schuurmans
Pages 686-713
Cut-and-solve: An iterative search strategy for combinatorial optimization problems
Sharlee Climer, Weixiong Zhang
Pages 714-738
Solving logic program conflict through strong and weak forgettings
Yan Zhang, Norman Y. Foo
Pages 739-778
Automated reformulation of specifications by safe delay of constraints
Marco Cadoli, Toni Mancini
Pages 779-801
Volume 170, Issue 10, Pages 803-907 (July 2006)
Propagation algorithms for lexicographic ordering constraints
Alan M. Frisch, Brahim Hnich, Zeynep Kiziltan, Ian Miguel, Toby Walsh
Pages 803-834
On the computational complexity of coalitional resource games
Michael Wooldridge, Paul E. Dunne
Pages 835-871
The algebra IA^fuz: a framework for qualitative fuzzy temporal reasoning
Silvana Badaloni, Massimiliano Giacomin
Pages 872-908
Volume 170, Issue 11, Pages 909-1030 (August 2006)
Analyzing the degree of conflict among belief functions
Weiru Liu
Pages 909-924
Generating and evaluating evaluative arguments
Giuseppe Carenini, Johanna D. Moore
Pages 925-952
Backward-chaining evolutionary algorithms
Riccardo Poli, William B. Langdon
Pages 953-982
The complexity of soft constraint satisfaction
David A. Cohen, Martin C. Cooper, Peter G. Jeavons, Andrei A. Krokhin
Pages 983-1016
Event calculus and temporal action logics compared
Erik T. Mueller
Pages 1017-1029
Volume 170, Issue 12-13, Pages 1031-1080 (September 2006)
Planning as satisfiability: parallel plans and algorithms for plan search
Jussi Rintanen, Keijo Heljanko, Ilkka Niemelä
Pages 1031-1080
Volume 170, Issue 14-15, Pages 1081-1122 (October 2006)
Sequential inference with reliable observations: Learning to construct force-dynamic models
Alan Fern, Robert Givan
Pages 1081-1100
Corrective feedback and persistent learning for information extraction
Aron Culotta, Trausti Kristjansson, Andrew McCallum, Paul Viola
Pages 1101-1122
Volume 170, Issue 16-17, Pages 1123-1192 (November 2006)
Maximizing over multiple pattern databases speeds up heuristic search
Robert C. Holte, Ariel Felner, Jack Newton, Ram Meshulam, David Furcy
Pages 1123-1136
Controlled generation of hard and easy Bayesian networks: Impact on maximal clique size in tree clustering
Ole J. Mengshoel, David C. Wilkins, Dan Roth
Pages 1137-1174
Learning adaptation knowledge to improve case-based reasoning
Susan Craw, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Ray C. Rowe
Pages 1175-1192
Volume 171, Issue 1, Pages 1-72 (January 2007)
Iterated belief revision, revised
Yi Jin, Michael Thielscher
Pages 1-18
A representation theorem for minmax regret policies
Sanjiang Li
Pages 19-24
A Real generalization of discrete AdaBoost
Richard Nock, Frank Nielsen
Pages 25-41
Audiences in argumentation frameworks
Trevor J.M. Bench-Capon, Sylvie Doutre, Paul E. Dunne
Pages 42-71
Volume 171, Issues 2–3, Pages 73-196 (February 2007)
AND/OR search spaces for graphical models
Rina Dechter, Robert Mateescu
Pages 73-106
Learning action models from plan examples using weighted MAX-SAT
Qiang Yang, Kangheng Wu, Yunfei Jiang
Pages 107-143
Axiomatic characterization of the AGM theory of belief revision in a temporal logic
Giacomo Bonanno
Pages 144-160
A spectrum of compromise aggregation operators for multi-attribute decision making
Xudong Luo, Nicholas R. Jennings
Pages 161-184
Determining the consistency of partial tree descriptions
Manuel Bodirsky, Martin Kutz
Pages 185-196
Volume 171, Issue 4, Pages 197-254 (March 2007)
Conservation principles and action schemes in the synthesis of geometric concepts
Luis A. Pineda
Pages 197-238
A note on Trillas’ CHC models
Daowen Qiu
Pages 239-254
Volume 171, Issues 5–6, Pages 255-362 (April 2007)
Anyone but him: The complexity of precluding an alternative
Edith Hemaspaandra, Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Jörg Rothe
Pages 255-285
On the evaluation of argumentation formalisms
Martin Caminada, Leila Amgoud
Pages 286-310
Learning and inferring transportation routines
Lin Liao, Donald J. Patterson, Dieter Fox, Henry Kautz
Pages 311-331
Inductive situation calculus
Marc Denecker, Eugenia Ternovska
Pages 332-360
Volume 171, Issue 7, Pages 363-452 (May 2007)
If multi-agent learning is the answer, what is the question?
Yoav Shoham, Rob Powers, Trond Grenager
Pages 365-377
An economist’s perspective on multi-agent learning
Drew Fudenberg, David K. Levine
Pages 378-381
Perspectives on multiagent learning
Tuomas Sandholm
Pages 382-391
Agendas for multi-agent learning
Geoffrey J. Gordon
Pages 392-401
Multiagent learning is not the answer. It is the question
Peter Stone
Pages 402-405
What evolutionary game theory tells us about multiagent learning
Karl Tuyls, Simon Parsons
Pages 406-416
Multi-agent learning for engineers
Shie Mannor, Jeff S. Shamma
Pages 417-422
Multi-agent learning and the descriptive value of simple models
Ido Erev, Alvin E. Roth
Pages 423-428
The possible and the impossible in multi-agent learning
H. Peyton Young
Pages 429-433
No regrets about no-regret
Yu-Han Chang
Pages 434-439
A hierarchy of prescriptive goals for multiagent learning
Martin Zinkevich, Amy Greenwald, Michael L. Littman
Pages 440-447
Learning equilibrium as a generalization of learning to optimize
Dov Monderer, Moshe Tennenholtz
Pages 448-452
Volume 171, Issues 8–9, Pages 453-618 (June 2007)
Partially observable Markov decision processes with imprecise parameters
Hideaki Itoh, Kiyohiko Nakamura
Pages 453-490
On the design of coordination diagnosis algorithms for teams of situated agents
Meir Kalech, Gal A. Kaminka
Pages 491-513
Random constraint satisfaction: Easy generation of hard (satisfiable) instances
Ke Xu, Frédéric Boussemart, Fred Hemery, Christophe Lecoutre
Pages 514-534
An algorithm for distributing coalitional value calculations among cooperating agents
Talal Rahwan, Nicholas R. Jennings
Pages 535-567
Head gestures for perceptual interfaces: The role of context in improving recognition
Louis-Philippe Morency, Candace Sidner, Christopher Lee, Trevor Darrell
Pages 568-585
Learning, detection and representation of multi-agent events in videos
Asaad Hakeem, Mubarak Shah
Pages 586-605
Resolution for Max-SAT
María Luisa Bonet, Jordi Levy, Felip Manyà
Pages 606-618
Volume 171, Issues 10–15, Pages 619-938 (July–October 2007)
Argumentation in artificial intelligence
T.J.M. Bench-Capon, Paul E. Dunne
Pages 619-641
Computing ideal sceptical argumentation
P.M. Dung, P. Mancarella, F. Toni
Pages 642-674
On principle-based evaluation of extension-based argumentation semantics
Pietro Baroni, Massimiliano Giacomin
Pages 675-700
Computational properties of argument systems satisfying graph-theoretic constraints
Paul E. Dunne
Pages 701-729
On the merging of Dung’s argumentation systems
Sylvie Coste-Marquis, Caroline Devred, Sébastien Konieczny, Marie-Christine Lagasquie-Schiex, Pierre Marquis
Pages 730-753
An application of formal argumentation: Fusing Bayesian networks in multi-agent systems
Søren Holbech Nielsen, Simon Parsons
Pages 754-775
An executable specification of a formal argumentation protocol
Alexander Artikis, Marek Sergot, Jeremy Pitt
Pages 776-804
Negotiating using rewards
Sarvapali D. Ramchurn, Carles Sierra, Lluís Godo, Nicholas R. Jennings
Pages 805-837
Subjective logic and arguing with evidence
Nir Oren, Timothy J. Norman, Alun Preece
Pages 838-854
Practical reasoning as presumptive argumentation using action based alternating transition systems
Katie Atkinson, Trevor Bench-Capon
Pages 855-874
The Carneades model of argument and burden of proof
Thomas F. Gordon, Henry Prakken, Douglas Walton
Pages 875-896
Laying the foundations for a World Wide Argument Web
Iyad Rahwan, Fouad Zablith, Chris Reed
Pages 897-921
Argument based machine learning
Martin Možina, Jure Žabkar, Ivan Bratko
Pages 922-937
Volume 171, Issues 16–17, Pages 939-1092 (November 2007)
Introducing possibilistic logic in ILP for dealing with exceptions
Mathieu Serrurier, Henri Prade
Pages 939-950
Metatheory of actions: Beyond consistency
Andreas Herzig, Ivan Varzinczak
Pages 951-984
Exploiting functional dependencies in declarative problem specifications
Toni Mancini, Marco Cadoli
Pages 985-1010
Bounded model checking for knowledge and real time
Alessio Lomuscio, Wojciech Penczek, Bożena Woźna
Pages 1011-1038
Mining competent case bases for case-based reasoning
Rong Pan, Qiang Yang, Sinno Jialin Pan
Pages 1039-1068
PickPocket: A computer billiards shark
Michael Smith
Pages 1069-1091